
Sunday, 29 January 2012

Vipera Jumpy 140 and 155

Hello darlings! How are you doing? I went jogging again today, yay! I miss going out and run at least for a couple of minutes. Although it was so so cold. I guess winter has finally visited our little country. No snow still though. But let me tell you something! I'll be seriously pissed off if there will be snow in March! I want flowers for my bday, it's not my fault if Winter was late on her own time! :P 

Anyway. Nail polish, right? I have two Polish beauties today for you from my swap with Spooky nails. These two are stunning. Especially 140. Oh. My. God. Look!

 The duochrome, people!

Jumpy 140. Are you insane? Seriously?? This is what I find in a 5 ml bottle of strikingly cheap unknown Polish brand!? This polish has to have a significant take in your decision about visiting Poland! Just looooook at eeeettt!!! Also keep in mind this looks about 1526874321 times better on the nails than on pictures. Just FYI. And to keep matters even more perfect - application is without faults. No troubles at all, perfect brush, I had NO FREAKING clean up and i did it while watching something on the computer. Amazing. Three coats. Gorgeous little thing.

Jumpy 155. Such a cute, juicy colour. And look at the golden specks that look like glass-flecked finish! Aaaagh! Love it! Golden specks swimming in rich, warm bright red/berry colour. A happy colour! Application was again a bliss, no troubles whatsoever. Great brush. Two coats only too! It reminds me a bit of China Glaze Ahoy, but this is redder. An amazing one too, really.

So yeah. Vipera Jumpy. What do I have to do to get them in Ljubljana? Why do we have Joy when we could have Jumpy with their SO adorable chubby bottles? Tell me, what have we done wrong? I want them! N.O.W.

Do you have any experiences with Jumpys, do you like them?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Gosh they are so gorgeous!!
    I love them!!

  2. Ohh, what a beauties! I want 155 on my nails right now.. great pedi colour too. ♥

  3. Oba sta res čudovita! Se strinjam, naj pride to k nam :)

  4. waw, neverjetno lepa sta! :)

  5. Oh wow these are stunningly beautiful. Why didn't I se this brand when I lived in Poland? :-(

  6. Never heard of this brand, wish I had though these two are gorgeous!

  7. Wow! My in-laws are from Poland and keep talking about taking a trip back home next year... maybe I will go with them after all, lol!

  8. prvi mi se više sviđa ali oba su predivna... nema druge nego se spremiti pa na put u poljsku ;-D

  9. I've a number 140.. it's gorgeous!!!!! :D
    I'm Spanish and now I was living in Poland and nail polish are very cheap and beautiful! ^^


  10. iako i 140 dobro izgleda 155 mi je apsolutno prekrasan, ako se nadje kakva peticija da dodju i u Hrvatsku mislim da cu bit prva za potpisat :D

  11. Those are so awesome!

  12. You ran for -a couple of minutes- ? Haha, that sounds so lazy. People run like for a couple of hours. :p I really like the second polish. I'm really going for those types of colors lately.

    1. Well, obvously I'm not in my best shape, that's why the 'at least' in the sentence. I have yet to run for a couple of hours, my physical condition (or my time for that matter) doesn't allow me that. I just enjoyed the fact that I went out, didn't mean to brag about me running for a couple of minutes, because I know fully well that's nothing to brag about.

  13. Purple duochrome!!!!!!! <3 Need to say nothing else!

  14. Prvi mi je predivan, kao i drugi kojeg mi se čini da čak i imam. Hm..

    1. Oooo, jel jih imajo u Hrvatskoj? To bi bilo fenomenalno! :D

  15. Thank you all, for your lovely comments! I'm glad you like the colours. :)

  16. wow! I want these!

  17. Tudi jaz bi takoj zamenjala Joy lakce za Jumpye (meni se vedno po nekaj tednih posušijo v steklenički????), ampak meni je pa drugi malce bolj všeč - red nails rules! ;)

  18. Ja, jaz sem tista čudakinja, ki v Google vpisuje Poland, da najde kakšen zadetek na tvoji strani. :D
    Delam WL za trip na Poljsko in sem vedela, da sem pri tebi nekaj videla. OMG, komaj čakam, ker tole je nadčudovito.

    1. Lol :D Ja, Jumpyje ti res pripročam, tri imam še za pokazat in so tudi fantastični. :) Najbolje da poklikaš Poland pri Spooky Nails, tudi Whale's Nails je Poljakinja. Bell ima tudi luštne, pa Joko, ki ima tudi fantastičen čopič. :) Pa bojda so vsi nesramno poceni. :)
      Super, da planiraš roadtrip na POljsko drgač! Samo Poljska ali še kaj okoli? :)

  19. Joj, šele zdaj sem se vrnila na ta post. :$ Ker si nisem točno zapomnila, kam sem pisala, ups.

    Oh, hvala za vse informacije. Res mi bo prišlo prav, ker nimam pojma o njihovih znamkah.
    Bo pa samo Poljska, ker gre v bistvu za freestyle študijsko ekskurzijo. Sem že malo naštudirala šoping centre v mestu, kamor gremo. Komaj čakam Inglot. :$
