
Thursday, 19 December 2013

Review: Texture Metal Stickers on royal purple base

Hey girls! How are you doing? I finally finished with my exams for December and I'm looking forward to my visit from Ljubljana tomorrow, a friend of mine is coming for a couple of days and I'm really excited about it. :)) Blava is still gorgeous, even with Lady Winter showing her claws in last few days. Most of my colleagues are leaving for holidays, going home, but I decided I'll stay here, since I'm staying only for 6 months, three weeks/a month back home seemed a bit of a waste. :)

So I could finally make this mani, I tell you, I wanted to make this mani since the moment I saw these stickers. I'm talking about Embossed Texture Metal  Style 3D stickers (ID code: 5659) Born Pretty Store is offering and honestly, if there was only one product from now on I could buy from their store, it would probably be this one, I effing LOVE the effect! I won't even describe Born Pretty Store in these posts anymore, I'm sure you all know the store, it's like one of the best for nail art out there. :)

I wanted it on a very dark base, and Catrice The Dark Knight seemed perfect. Sadly my camera makes it a bit too blue, it is actually the royal velvet-y purple shade. I had the same problem with Illamasqua Baptiste, my camera just couldn't capture the awesomeness of this particular shade of purple. And it's probably my favourite purple shade. Oh well. :)

Seriously, love the effect, it is awesome. The stickers are really easy to use, I use tweezers to pull the pattern from the sheet and to place it on the nail and it takes no time at all. It sticks to the nail, but not so much you couldn't pull it off and replace it. The stickers can be cut, so if your nails are shorter, that is not a problem. You can also cut them to have more short tendrils all around the nail (I'll do that the second my nails grow out a bit). 

The only minus is that the edges don't stick to the nail really well, even after applying top coat. So it is not a mani that would last for days, edges on most of my nails started twirling a few hours later when I made my lunch, so yeah ... but nevertheless, I really love the effect, so I'm gonna wear it again. 

You get two patterns per sheet. 

And Catrice The Dark Knight, even if the colour is too blue on my pictures. The polish has a great sentimental value for me, as I bought it in Vienna in March, on our moot court competition. :)

The Texture Metal Stickers are available in Born Pretty Store and they are on sale right now, only 1.99$! And BPS has my favourite type of shipping - the free one. :) So go grab it! You can use my discount code to get 10% discount too: SSL91!

What do you think, your kind of thing?

Thank you for reading and commenting!

*Product sent for reviewing purposes, you can read my disclosure here.

Friday, 13 December 2013

New In ~ A haul post

Heya ladies! It's time for another haul post. Yeah, I think I bought more in a month than in previous two, ah. But everything is so pretty!! Plus, I got a lot of stuff on sale and as a gift. That's my story, I'm sticking to it! 

Mostly I got nail polish and eyeshadow, yes, but also lipstick, brush and some other stuff. Wanna take a closer look?

Nail poliiiish! I found Miss Sporty Metal Flip collection and just had to have it. Come on, duochromes for under 2 €? Yes please! Rimmel Space Dust is my first textured polish and I am still not a fan of this finish BUT Total Eclipse is utterly gorgeous thanks to the green duochromish glitter. More about them in separate posts with swatches. :)

Sephora's eyeshadows were a gift from my flatmate. I love Sephora's eyeshadow I have, so I was really happy to play with Midnight Kiss (the purple one) and Rock'n'roll never dies (the grey glittery one). BellaPierre pigments were on sale in Ljubljana (from 17€ to 3,50€, could not resist!) so I asked my mom to buy them for me, I just checked very poor choice of swatches they have online and tried my luck. So far I like them, I got shades Insist, Cinnabar and Money. 
ArtDeco brush was on sale here, I got it for 4€ only, total bargain, especially since it is effing perfect for creme eyeshadow!! I now just regret not buying more than one. 

My yesterday's purchase, lipstick from Catrice Feathers & Pearls collection inspired by the 20ies and flappers. Loooove! And this lipstick is a perfection, I also love the package. Shade: Josephine's Joy. Yum!

Non make up related stuff. Hair Manya Diamond spray was a gift from my cousin, when she stayed here, she said she has another bottle at home and left me this one. It makes your hair really soft, but I'm not sure if it does anything else for the hair.
Ziaja make up remover. I bought it because I ran out of my dear Bioderma and here it is way too expensive. But Ziaja did not impress me, I'm searching for something new already. 

That's it! What did you buy lately? :)

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

NYX pigment Ultra Pearl Mania Fanta Pearl (07)

Hey ladies! Second half of review for Slovene online shop with an eyeshadow pigment made by NYX and it's going to be in Slovenian mostly. I did some swatches and eyelook with it though, check out the pictures. :)


Hei drage moje! :)

Še en prispevek, za katerega mi je prijazno poslala izdelek v oceno. Tokrat pigmentek, oz. senčilo za oči Ultra Pear Mania znamke NYX, odtenek Fanta Pearl. Najprej fotke!

Zgoraj samo na primerju, spodaj levo na beli podlagi in desno na črni.

Senčka je res čudovite bakrene barve, malce je podobna Wet'n'wild Penny senčki, le da ima več rožnate v sebi. Zelo lepa, nosljiva barva, bakrene barve imam zelo rada. Pigmentirana je seveda odlično, zelo lepo se nanaša. Pigment sem uporabila za enega mojih najljubših vsakdanjih izgledov in cel dan je zelo lepo zdržal na primerju in kremni senčki.

Največji minus pigmenta je embalaža. Ozek valjček, s pokrovčkom na navoj, brez sitka. Preozek, da bi cel čopič šel vanj, brez sita, da bi ga nekako stresla ven brez da bi šlo takoj pol vsebine. Problem sem potem tako rešila, da sem pigment odpirala na listu paprija in potem lovila pigment s čopičem na papirju. Res velik minus, embalaža, je izredno nepraktična, ne vem kaj so mislili. Morda da se za senčke uporablja izredno ozke čopiče, samo potem ne vem kam otreseš čopič ...? 


Cenovno je pigment izredno ugoden, v Moji drogeriji stane samo 3,12€, kar se mi zdi zelo poceni, saj je pigment sam zelo kvaliteten. Očitni minus je seveda embalaža, tako da priporočam, da kupite tiste prazne embalažice s sitom za pigment, vsaj jaz bom tako rešila problem. Ali pa poskusite mojo improvizacijo s papirjem. :))

Ste že poskusile NYX pigmente? Priporočate kakšen odtenek?

Hvala za branje in komentiranje!

*Product sent for reviewing purposes, you can read my disclosure here.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

NYX lipliner pencil in Plush Red (813) / NYX svinčnik za ustnice, odt. Plush Red

Hello guys! This is again a review I am making for slovene online cosmetics shop, that is why it will be in Slovene language. Nevertheless, I know NYX has a lot of fans out there and Plush Red is an amazing lipliner pencil, so check the photos out. :)


Pozdravljene, dame moje! :)

Današnja ocena za spletno trgovino bo na oder postavila NYX izdelek za ustnice, kar je zame prišlo kot naročeno, saj sem že nekaj mesecev v obdobju, ko me najbolj privlačijo šminke, liplinerji in vse ostalo kar pride zraven mejkapa za ustnice. Tako da bo denarnica spet pela, saj je Anja, kot ste verjetno že ugotovile, za Mojo drogerijo zrihtala NYX mat šminke in njihove butter lipglosse (ki so dovolj obarvani za moj okus!) in me hudo hudo mikajo. :D Kakorkoli že ... v oceno sem dobila svinčnik za ustnice, izbrala sem si odtenek Plush Red, ker sem fan rdečkov in sem zelo zadovoljna s svojo odločitvijo, barva je čudovita. 

Moja naravna barva ustnic in potem seveda s svinčnikom. Je še kateri povečana slika ustnic blazno bizarna stvar?

Na koncu sem naredila še primerjavo z nekaterimi svinčniki, ki jih imam, da vidite približno, kam na barvni lestvici rdečk Plush Red spada, in zraven dodala še svinčnika v naravnejših odtenkih (od leve proti desni Revlon Wine, MUA Brooding Plum, Max Factor Red Rush, NYX Plush Red, Bourjois Enjoleuse, Catrice Lost in the Rose Wood). 

Barva se mi zdi fantastična. Ni tista močna ferrari rdeča, rožnata v njej jo ublaži na zelo zelo nosljivo rdečo barvo. Še vedno izstopa, ampak ne preveč. Svinčnik sem nosila samostojno in obdržal se je več ur, brez problema. Na kozarcu pusti zelo rahlo sled, na ustnicah je prijeten, ne pusti preveč suh občutek (nekaj ga sicer je, ker je pač svinčnik za ustnice in naj bi bil obstojen). Je dobro pigmentiran, nanos ni težaven. Mislim da mi je na koncu zdržal na ustnicah cirka 4 ure, ob pitju, kar se mi zdi zelo spodobno. Ker pa je to svinčnik, ne zbledi enakomerno, na mojih ustnicah vsi svinčnik zbledijo na notranji strani, na zunanji pa ne, tako da je treba biti malce bolj pozorna na popravke, da se opravijo pravočasno. :) Nosila ga bom najbrž kar samostojno, saj izpade kot krasna mat šminka, barva mi je res všeč. 

NYX Slim Lip Pencil svinčniki so na voljo v Moji Drogeriji za 3,12€, cena se mi zdi več kot ugodna, izbira barv je dobra, čeprav pogrešam več rdečk. Plush Red je krasna barva, tako da če imate rade tovrstne barve, jo lahko zgolj priporočam. :) 

Uporabljate svinčnike za ustnice tudi samostojno ali zgolj kot podlago za šminko?

Hvala za branje in komentiranje!

*Product sent for reviewing purposes, you can read my disclosure here.