Tuesday, 26 July 2011

A short poll

Heya again! Well, the poll very much speaks for itself, but I want to tell you why I made it. I did two themed weeks so far, the red comparison and Eveline Holografic Shine. I have one half prepared and I have a chance to do two others. The thing is, both times I got the feeling you weren't interested much in the themed weeks. Maybe you just prefer the random posts, as I feel posting it and get overfed with one brand or colour going on for entire week (or sometimes even longer). Since these themed weeks do require more time and work from me than the usual random mani posts, especially the comparison week, and since I usually get a bit sick of doing one brand or colour over and over again, i do not wish to bore you. :) So i did a smal poll, the best way I could do. You can be completely honest here, it's anonymous, you can tell me it's utter crap and I should stop doing it too. Of course also in the comments. :) But then tell me also why it's utter crap, please! ;)

It will take you like 25 seconds to do this, unless you write something down for me too, which will make me a very happy hobbit too! :)

Thank you!


  1. I want to throw a comment on my opinion instead of filling out the poll ;)
    I know it sounds a little lame, but I really like it when people follow their heart. It really shows in the posts ;) if you love making themes or would rather make random posts, I don't prefer either, to be honest. I just want to read something that you wanted to write, and that you're passionate about.

    Your Eveline theme was bad timing for me as I was in Germany (and in general very busy shopping LOL) so I skimmed through most of them. Hope I make sense, I'm a little tired and I can hear the couch is missing me ;)

  2. Thanks, darling! :) Heheh, couch missing you ... I'm hearing my bed missing me whole day long. It's a weird day. And yes, I understand exactly what you mean, but I wanted some feedback too. :)

  3. I admit I have a short attention span, so theme weeks tend to make me wander off. As Jette said, if you enjoy doing them, you should. But don't do them on my account. :) I do love long posts with lots of photos, sort of like a theme week jammed into one day.

  4. Tudi jaz bom kar komentar napisala. ;)
    Najpomembneje je, da počneš, kar te veseli!!! Če so ti teme zanimive, jih počni! Če ne, piši o naključnih rečeh. ;)
    Moje iskreno mnenje. Priznam, da ti tematski tedni niso najbolj zame. Tudi jaz se počasi naveličam. Sploh, če mi tema ni kaj preveč pri srcu in če sem totalno iskrena - rdeči laki me ne zanimajo preveč, Eveline znamka pa mi je manj zanimiva in opažam, da mi tudi holo laki niso tako super oh in sploh všeč. Veliko raje imam potem od časa do časa več swatchev v enem postu in ne samo opis enega laka. Tako bi mi bil mnogo bolj všeč Eveline post (en ali morda dva dela) in ne ves teden Eveline postov.
    Ampak to je samo moje mnenje, moj okus. Kar mene pritegne.
    Absolutno NUJNO pa je, da pišem tako in o tem, kar te veseli. ;) Vem pa, da vsi vsaj po malem pišemo za svoje bralce in za komentarje. :D Zato je toliko bolj neprijetno, ko se izredno potrudiš in ti skoraj nihče ne komentira. :( Te čisto razumem. ;)

  5. edit: ...da pišeŠ tako in o tem...

  6. KarenD, thank you for your opinion! :) Yes, I think I should be putting them all in one post, it would be better. :)

    Maestra, hvala ti! :) Se strinjam (to mi je tudi fant takrat rekel), bilo bi bolje, če bi takele nametala kar v en post, ali v nekaj teh, pa bi bilo tudi bolj zanimivo, zna biti, da tako naredim s Kikoti. :)
    In ja, vedno pišem samo o tem in takrat ko me to veseli, če ne bi že zdavnaj nehala. :D Hvala za tvoje mnenje, mi veliko pomeni!
