Wednesday, 8 February 2012

BB Couture hot things Widow Maker and Playboy

Hello people! How are you doing? It's sunny outside! Yay! Still cold cold cold, but sunny. I was sitting next to our porch doors, sunbathing like a cat for hours. It's national holiday today for us in Slovenia, we're remembering one of our greatest poets today, France Prešeren. If you like poetry, I really recommend his works, he's fantastic. Plus, there are many translations in many languages of his work, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Today I want to show you one of the colours I've received in my latest package, Widow Maker. As usual, I went first for the colour that seemed weirdest in the bunch. I always do that, even if others are my great lemmings. Widow Maker is incredibly unique and weird in a very good way, so it called for me. When I opened my BB Couture folder I saw many more were yet to be edited and showed. With my little collection of BB Couture in general that felt a little lame. So I'm showing you Playboy too. One of the best teals ever made. They are both from BB Couture polish line made for men, so it seemed like a good idea, showing them together.

While we're on the subject, I want to ask you about your thoughts and opinions on men wearing polish. I thought about it a while ago, and especially when there was the Essie and pink nails on a boy 'scandal' I firmly made up my mind. Men are cool with nail polish. I see no problem with them wearing nail polish, I salute their care for nails and hands in general, because neglected nails are just disgusting, on men or women. If they throw some colour on them too, even better! I think we're generally a very unisex society and I think is about damn time we break the stereotypes around make up too. 
And just in case there are any men who'd like to wear polish, but are afraid of it, out there reading this. Here's one of the hottest man on this planet, wearing sky blue polish. So awesome. :) You can't argue about awesomeness of Johnny Depp, it's a fact, just like gravity.


This is all, of course, just my opinion. When I'm asking for yours, I'm completely aware of the fact some might feel differently and I respect that. I respect every opinion, whether it's different, similar, the same, or 50-50 with mine. So don't worry about that, all right? There will be no arguing, only opinion sharing, if you'll be willing, of course. 

Anyway, to the nail polish! 

Here's Widow Maker. What a fantastic, utterly gorgeous grey this is. It has this shimmer, that on sunlight warms the grey, making it a bit taup-ish.It's hard to explain, you'll see what I mean on the pictures. The black glitter is fantastic. It's very subtle on the nails, you have to look for it, but when I find it, i go 'wiiii'. :)

See what I mean? On the sunlight it gets this steel look, or how should I describe it ... it's incredible colour, a complete surprise for me, really. I didn't even know it existed until I unwrapped the bottle. What a hidden gem! This isn't a part of a named collection, as far as I know, it's from the very first set of BB Couture nail polish for men (together with the ever so perfect Grenade). I did 3 coats, for the picture's sake, two would be enough, with a bald spot here and here, that only macro shot would catch.

The second one is Playboy. A gorgeous, gorgeous teal with shimmery glass-flecked finish I adore so much. I got this from the wonderful Kim on her Thoughts of Beauty blog. There was this competition called Tell us a story, and the winner would get a bottle of Playboy! To my great surprise I was the only one who entered with a relatively boring story. I never thought I'd win it, I just wanted to be a part of it, since I thought it's a wonderful idea. And so I won. I'm not complaining, mind you. This teal is gorgeous.

Isn't this amazing? Teal/peacock (as some call it) with teal, purple and silver glassflecked/micro glitter or whatever you wanna call it. My pictures sadly don't do it justice at all, I failed to capture the amazing shimmer it has. It's a part of BB Couture Eye Candy Collection for Spring/Summer (not sure) 2011. For men part, of course. On my WL from that part also Sexy Centerfold and Rustic Romance. But Playboy is the gem of this collection. Two easy coats.

The formula on both of them was amazing. As usual. BB Couture has a flawless formula, I never had any troubles with the application. I was expecting Widow Maker to be brush stroky, but it wasn't so that's great. All in all perfect polishes, really, I'm really happy I got them.

Any thoughts on men wearing polish, Widow Maker and Playboy? Do share. :) 

Thank you for reading!


  1. My boyfriend wears nail polish (mostly 'cos I like swatching it on him)... I like it when people aren't scared to do something that doesn't conform to traditional gender stereotypes - I find it very attractive. :)

    1. Hehe, my BF had to lend me a couple of nails once or twice too, because I ran out of mine. :D And I agree, that's an attractive quality. :)

  2. I think I prefer playboy over widow maker :D but both are very pretty.
    As for men wearing nail polish, I couldn't care less.. That just sounded wrong.. But what I mean is that I don't care what kind of pants people wear or what their hair looks like, so the color of their nails isn't something that matters to me either. Unless if it's a pretty color and I want it too, then they better know the name of the polish... :D

    1. Actually, it didn't sound wrong, it sounded exactly like we should be thinking about these things. Minding our own business, letting people live their lives as they see fit. I like that! :)

  3. Johnny Depp. <3 Mene ne moti, če fantje nosijo lak na nohtih, je pa res, da se mora po moje mnenju ujemati z imidžem (nekoga v poslovni obleki si ravno ne predstavljam z lakom).

    Kar pa se tiče lakov, sta mi oba zelo lepa.

    1. Jap, Johnny. <3 Za fante pa vem kaj misliš, ampak ravno tega bi se IMO bilo dobro otresti - enako mislim za bolj vpadljive barve na ženskih nohtih na vseh delovnih mestih. Zdaj moramo velikokrat nositi zelo 'dolgočasne' odtenke na delovnem mestu, pa se mi zdi to brezveze.

      Ja, laka sta pa res čudovita. :)

  4. Johnny Depp can do whatever he wants and I will still be his girlfriend any minute of any day!!! That boy is gorgeous! I had friends back in my Goth days who wore black polish-i'm cool with that-just not sure I'd like a guy to wear nail art or pink!

    1. Oh yes, Johnny has a lot of hardcore fans, I'm one for years now. :)

  5. Replies
    1. Indeed it is! I still think my pics don't do it justice, it's even more gorgeous irl.

  6. Oba hočem, takoj zdaj! :O <3

  7. ne znam kojeg bih izabrala, oba mi se sviđaju :-D
    što se tiče muških ručica i lakova, nemam problema s tim, naprotiv, u mojoj ekipi to i nije bilo neuobičajeno... ali da vidim roze ili narančaste nokte nasmijala bih se ;-D

    1. Hehe, pa i meni bi bilo zabavno i za nasmijat, ali sigurno ne bi sudila, ko neki radi sude ono što ne treba i nije važno. :) Mislim, da bi i ja najrađe vidjela neko tamno boju na muškarcu, ali to je moj okus - volim jih više u tamnih bojama i kose i odjela. ;)

  8. These are beautiful swatches and nail polishes!!!

    1. Najlepši so negovani nohti, če pa so v barvi pa še toliko bolje in moški bi se lahko zgledovali po JD in malce več eksperimentirali ;)
      Glede zgornjih odtenkovi mi je pa prvi Window Maker ful všeč, drugi mi je pa nekako hecen

  9. I totally agree with you on Widow Maker being 'different' enough to be cool. This was actually one of the first 'nail polishes for men' that I tried and I actually liked it enough to wear it for almost a week. I think it's pretty cool that a nail polish company would go out on a limb and market polish to men. Guys can wear any brand or color, but just labeling it and targeting men with this product seems like a really forward and open-minded thing IMHO.
    Anyway, glad you swatched these for us - they look great!

    Oh, btw, I'm a guy, and yes, I wear it too. (Oh, and I've met JD too. He's actually pretty friendly for being a famous sort).
