Saturday, 14 September 2013

First slovene fantasy & sci-fi convention Na meji nevidnega!

Hello guys! This is a post about an event I am really excited about, I'm going home to Ljubljana just to visit it. And my costume is nearly done as well. :) To all my girls in Slovenia and perhaps even in neighbour countries that love fantasy and science fiction: it will be an awesome one day event, I hope I'll see you all there! Na meji nevidnega will happen on 28th September, which is exactly two weeks from today! 

Živjo! Tokrat tudi v slovenščini, saj gre za konvencijo v Ljubljani, kar pomeni, da bo verjetno zanimala predvsem slovenski del bralcev mojega koščka interneta. :) Gre za dogodek, ki ga že komaj čakam, slovensko konvencijo fantazije in znanstvene fantastike, Na meji nevidnega, odvil se bo v soboto, 28. septembra, začel se bo ob 10h. Vse je lepo vidno tudi na plakatku:

Here is a link to the facebook page: [NA MEJI NEVIDNEGA], you can get all the information there, plus the official site: NAMEJINEVIDNEGA.SI, a neat page with all the needed information, including ways to get to the place where the convention will occur. It will happen in Ljubljana, in Dance studio Bolero on Dunajska 49, on the page you can find information on buses stopping nearby and also on parking space available nearby. 

Njihova FB stran: [NA MEJI NEVIDNEGA] in njihova uradna stran: NAMEJINEVIDNEGA.SI, kjer lahko dobite vse željene informacije. Za neljubljančane bo dobrodošel zavihek Kje?, kjer so nanizani tudi avtobusi, ki peljejo v neposredno bližino plesne šole Bolero, pa informacije o parkiriščih v neposredni bližini in pa tudi zemljevidek za tiste, ki se nameravate pripeljati. Plesni studio Bolero sicer najdete na Dunajski cest 49, to je čisto zraven Astre, za Bežigradom. 
The masterminds behind the convention are working on it under official society KUD Šmaug and I am immensely proud to be able to say I know them and think of them as my dear friends, they are wonderful people and as far as I know, they will prepare a convention that will kick.ass!

Organizatorji konvencije Na Meji Nevidnega so KUD Šmaug in res mi je v ponos, da lahko rečem, da jih poznam tudi osebno in ravno zato, ker poznam oba mastermind-a za konvencijo, vem, da bo ta naravnost fantastična in na takem nivoju, da se ga ne bi sramovali niti stari mački kakšnih ogromnih ameriških konvencij. :) 

My costume will represent Ulmiel, the way I imagined her and I am really happy I finally found the excuse to make the costume. So if you are planning to visit the convention, let me know, we can meet! Or you can look for the weirdest sea creature there, that will probably be me. ;) I hope I'll see you there!

Na konvenciji bom oblečena v Ulmiel, tako kot sem si jo zamislila. Tako da če se nameravaš oglasiti, mi sporoči na email, se lahko srečamo. Lahko pa pocukaš za rokav čudaško morsko bitje na sami konvenciji, je velika možnost, da bom to jaz. ;) V vsakem primeru upam, da se vidimo tam, zabavno bo!

PS: Vstopnine ni!!! 

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