Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Catrice Am I Blue Or Green? with stamping

Hello! How are you doing? It's a lovely day here in Ljubljana and I'm just about to run to my friend's place for a movie (she moved in a couple of months ago and now lives like a minute of walk away from me, pretty darn cool, eh?), so a quicker one today.

Am I Blue Or Green? is a Catrice I never got around to buying. I like the colour, but since I had Mint Candy Apple from Essie I avoid the colour for the bitchy application it arrives with. But I guess this little thing was meant for me, because I got it as a lovely surprise present and I put it on today (thanks, U.!). 
To answer the question the name of the varnish asks - it looks blue on me, i think. Mint blue. And the formula, sadly, still sucks. I needed three coats on about a half of my nails and 4 on the other half (2 coats auftragen my ass). But the colour oh so rocks. I love the brightness of it and, pardon my arrogance, it looks so awesome on my hands.

I like how this one turned out, I had to take a picture of a brooch for a friend of mine. The same friend that gave me the polish, actually!

Then I figured Am I Blue Or Green? looks like a good base for stamping and since my stamping skills are non-existent thanks to me not doing it at all and with two of my few plates still untouched, I said I shall try it. I grabbed a black polish, hoping it will work and the m85 Konad plate I got from as a gift and this is what happened.

Essence TC smeared it up, I hate it for doing that, I was so proud of my achievement. It is far from being perfect, but it's by far the best pattern I've done so far. Plus, I think the combo simply rocks. Luckily most of smears aren't visible if you don't look at my nails too carefully. Either way I like what I did and I love that i found a good black to work with: Vollare cosmetics Nail Artistic black, it comes with a very thin brush, for nail art, but I never use it (surprise surprise). Awesome that it's good for stamping, as far as I remember it's rather cheap, much cheaper than original Konad polish at least. 

Any stamping noobs out there or am I the last one? :D Your thoughts on Am I Blue Or green?, are you a fan of colours like this?

Thank you for reading!


  1. šat ap, stamping ti je super :-D
    lak krasan, i dobro ti stoji, meni se nekako čini da je ovo jedna od onih boja koja zbilja svakom dobro čini ;-D
    blago tebi kad imaš frendicu tako blizu :-(

    1. Hehe, hvala ti. :) I stvaro je super da je tako blizu, prije se nismo vidjeli i po pola godine a sad svaki drugi dan. :)

  2. This is my favorite summer shade this year. And you did a great job with konad. Nice!

    1. Thank you! And yes, it does seem fit for Summer, although the colour looks chilly somehow. :D

  3. ich schreib mal ganz dreist auf deutsch. Danny von Polish Chest hat mir gesagt das du das auch kannst :)

    der Nagellack ist echt toll. Ich habe ihn auch...
    aber kannst du mir sagen wo du die Brosche, oder was du da in der Hand, hast her hast?

    1. Ja, du kannst auch auf Deutsch hier schreiben - das ist auch eine gute Übung für mich! ;) Die Brosche habe ich von mine Cousine bekommen, sie hat die in Sarajevo, Bosnien, gekauft. :)

  4. Ne vem, če sem ti že povedala - čudovite nohte imaš! Dolžina, oblika... perfektno! Tudi barva mi je všeč. =)

    1. O, hvala lepa! :) Od nekoga s tako popolnimi nohti kot so tvoji, je to sploh čudovita pohvala. :)

  5. Nice job! The smearing isn't noticeable at all...?!

    1. Oh, good then. :D I see it, if i look at my nails close.

  6. Tole je eden mojih najljubših lakov. Zanimivo, jaz pa nikoli nisem imela problemov z nanosom. Ponavadi sta mi 2 sloja zadostovala.
    Tvoj konad izgleda odlično. Jaz ponavadi pri konadiranju počakam z nadlakom kakih 20 min ali pa še dlje, ko imam čas, ker mi drugače tudi razmaže vzorec.

    1. Ooo, super, hvala ti za ta nasvet! Pomoje je bil v tem problem, nisem dovolj dolgo počakala, naslednjič zagotovo bom! Nanos je bil po dveh slojih pri meni še vedno 'plešast', morda zato, ker imam že daljše nohte. Ali pa sem pretanke sloje delala.

  7. Izgleda čudovito! :) Jaz za čez svoje štempljanje najraje uporabim Barry M 3 v 1, se mi še ni zgodilo, da bi mi razpackal vzorec (vsi ostali nadlaki so mi ga - nimam pa Konadovega).

    1. Super, hvala za nasvet! Bom poskusila najprej s Tayinim nasvetom, če ne bo šlo drugače, pa poskusim z novim nadlakom. :)

  8. The colour is pretty, but I never bought it because I could see through the bottle how bad application could be ^^ I also see it more blue than green on you. Oh, and the stamping is nice too :) The black worked perfect!

    1. Thank you! Yeah, the application on these minty babies is always tricky. But the colour rocks. :)

  9. The bad formula seems to be an issue proper of this pigment. I've got Sleepy (from Essence recent TE Snow White) and Kiko mint green polishes and they both have an awful formula, I fought hard to apply them :-/ I was discussing about this "mint green polishes curse" just yesterday with a nail friend.
    BTW I still love the colour, and you gave me a good idea using it as a base for stamping. Maybe even after gradient-ing it with a purple, as NailXChange did some time ago!!

    1. Yes, the formula was the main reason why I sold my Mint Candy Apple. But it was much worse with MCA than it is with Catrice. I guess it is the pigment, same story as with yellow and white, I'd say. Oh well, the colour is wonderful! :) Oh, a gradient with a purple sounds perfect!!!

  10. The polish is beautiful and looks amazing with stamping!

    1. Yes, I think so too, the black stamping makes a lovely contrast. :)

  11. Krasan je, a jos je boji sa stampingom :)))

    ja sam totalni noob za stamping, pokusala sam jednom i neslavno je zavrsilo :D
    ali bitno da skupljam plocice doma :D

    1. Hehehe, da, prvi pokušaj je bio i kod mene ... ma, bolje da i ne kažem. :D Ali pomalo ide na bolje, čini mi se bar. :D Bitan je dobar stamping lak, moram jih skupiti jedno hrpicu, možda se onda napalim na tu stamping scenu. :D

  12. Oh I am loving that design. So delicate and pretty. Will need to see if I have a fauxnad of that!

    1. Thank you! And yes, the design is lovely. :)

  13. Eden izmed mojih najljubših lakov, res krasen odtenek. :) Pa broška mi je ful všeč! Drugače imaš pa krasne nohte. x

  14. Love how this combo looks ... something I would wear in a hart beat. :D

  15. Zelo všečen lak, ampak s "potiskom" me je takoj spomnil na neke orientalske počitnice - barva kristalnega morja, ki se sveti, in orientalski vzorec parea. :)

    Tudi samo konadiranje ti je zelo dobro uspelo!

    1. Oh, lepa asociacija! Mene spominja na tapete, ampak take lepe tapete. :D

  16. bros za prijateljicu je prekrasan :) a i stamping je sjajno odradjen, ja se ovih dana nesto gnjavim s njim, ali je ocito prevruce pa mi se lak u uzorku prebrzo osusi pa nece da se prenese na pecat, morat cu se prebacit radit u frizider ^_^

    1. Hehehe, meni ovaj lak od Vollareja stvarno dogovara, malo me je i iznenadio, super je, ali znam šta misliš, i ja bi ovih dana sve radila u frižideru, kad bi mogla. ;)
