Friday, 9 March 2012

A pinch of China Glaze glitters

Two in a row! My studying isn't going anywhere today, so I took another break. I don't know where do we get the idea that breaks help with studying from. Sure, after a relatively short period of time you need to take at least a 10 minute break, but if I can't focus on studying to begin with, how will break help then? Hm ... well, it's the only thing I could do anyway, I felt like I'm reading something in Japanese. 

I have three glitters from China Glaze for ya. I'm loving the glitters China Glaze put out in the last few months, I'm wearing Tinsel Town right now and I can't get over how awesome it looks. It took me long enough to try it on, didn't it?

So lets start with my favourite of the three, the already mentioned Tinsel Town. It's a part of Let it Snow Holiday 2011 collection and at first I didn't think I'll get any of them. Now I have 4 and three of them are on my top list of colours. Funny how that happens.

A video of how insanely sparkly this is.

It's the same type of glitter as It's Alive, hence my love for it. I also adore the blackened silver it is. It's SO freaking awesome. I remember calling this one on YGN not my thing or something like that. I feel like I should apologize to my bottle of Tinsel Town. This baby is amazing. Three easy coats, two will do on shorter nails, for me two was almost enough, but I wanted it to be perfect. The formula is good, much better than on It's Alive but thicker than on Ring in the Red (the red version of this glitter). Two coats of TC for smoother finish. Love it!

Ring In The Red. The red sister of It's Alive and Tinsel Town. I think I actually layered it over a red ... hum ... I need to check that. Anyway. Gorgeous little thing, isn't it? It's like taking Ruby Pumps and ask yourself: how can I make this beauty even better? And then you make Ring In The Red and say: yes, that's how. I'm deleting Ruby Pumps off my WL because of this gorgeousness. Come on. Just look at it. Two coats layered over a red I need to find alone and show it to ya soon. Great formula, really easy to work with. 

Some Like It Haute from Eye Candy 3D Glitters collection that was inspired by Marlyn Monroe. I love Some Like It Hot movie (and i hate jazz, go figure), so I knew I'll want this one. Is really beautiful, even if my pictures turned out rather bad. Polish looks lumpy, I don't know why though, and it looks like the tip of my little finger isn't covered even if it was. It takes two to three coats, depending on the nail lenght and it's an enormous TC eater. Still, a cool glitter.

Did you get any of these? How do you like glitter in general?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Any tips for removing glitter polish easier!?! I love glitter, but despise removing it!!

    1. Well, I'm using the 'standard' foil method, it usually works. Sometimes it doesn't, but usually it makes the removal much easier. And I agree, the removal of glitter is a total bitch, I dislike it too. If only glitter polish wouldn't look so awesome, I'd wear cremes only. :D ;)

  2. Mppfff! Glittergasm! The only one of these I have is Some LIke it Haute. Now I want the other two BAD!

  3. Love your description of Ring in the Red! You're completely right it's the red sister of It's Alive...I never put that together before.

  4. Ahhh whyy didnt I get Ring in the Red... must order.

  5. I love all of them, but Tinsel Town is the awesomest. :)

  6. Happy studying! I love taking nail polish breaks too heh :)

  7. I have Some Like it Haute - I love China Glaze! :)

  8. They look gorgeous, all three of them!

  9. sva tri su super, a nekako mi Tinsel town izgleda najbolje

  10. ti uvijek imaš najbolje *.*
    prekrasna sva tri, ne znam kojeg bih uopće izdvojila kao favorita :-D

  11. hiii
    Gdje si ih kupila? općenito tu marku gdje uzimaš

    1. Hei, zdravo! Sve svoje China Glaze dobijem iz Amerike, imam jednu prijateljicu koja mi jih šalje, a ja njej naše marke (tako zvani swap :)). A kod nas u Sloveniji možeš China Glaze dobiti u, možeš jim slati email, možda šalju i na jug. :)

  12. Wow! These polishes are awesome! I love the all!

  13. They all look awesome on you! ♥
