Tuesday, 18 September 2012

China Glaze - Trendsetter

Hey people! Why, my comeback isn't really working, eh? I had tons of work to do, not to mention I came home from Austria on Sunday, enjoying wonderful weekend with fellow Tolkien geeks. It was amazing, in short. ATM I'm waiting for my lunch to cook before I go back to the books, so I have a few minutes to spare. 

Trendsetter is a typical ugly-but-beautiful colour, I think. I adore this type of colours for their uniqueness and strangeness, yes. I resent all the feces related comparison the colour is getting, I think Scrangie and Short'n Chic describe it perfectly: a dingy dijon mustard base with a bunch of avocado mixed in & an incredibly elegant swampy green with really lovely golden shimmer.
I'm far from being a purist, but toilet humour is really not my thing and I can't imagine how you can wear something that reminds you of something gross. But that's just me, I guess. This colour reminds me a lot of swamp and its murky colours, I love it. Plus the shimmer is amazing. Most of people around me hate it though. My mother and BF were even more worried about my colour choice than usual. ;) A couple of friends said it was interesting ... but still ugly, hehehe.

The last picture is sooo old. It's taken when I wore Trendsetter for the first time and on blogsphere Trendsetter reminded some people on Classic Camel, so I took a shot that's by now probably irrelevant. Still. :) I can't pull off Classic Camel, it looks horrible on my skin tone, but Trendsetter I love. It was a part of China Glaze Metro Collection for Fall 2011 and it's the only colour I got, it's not a strong collection for my taste. Trendsetter is amazing gem in it though. 

Do you like "ugly" colours in general? Which one is your favourite?

*due to me thinking fugly means something completely different, I used the expression and now changed it :P Thanks, Chaosophia!

Thank you for reading!


  1. Ich liebe solche hässlichen Farben. Und hässlich ist perfekt für den Herbst! :)

    1. Hehe, ja, Trendsetter ist perfekt für den Herbst, auch eine Veränderung von typische (und schöne!) rote Farben. :)

  2. "Fugly" is probably not the best expression to use for this polish, since it means "fucking ugly"? Or so I thought at least. :o

    I like the polish! I love the color of it, but I don't enjoy the lobster hands that it gives me. :(
    It looks great on you though!

    1. Believe it or not, I picked the definition of 'fugly' on a blog ... I have no idea when, months, if not years ago, and it was said it means 'fashionably ugly', that the F stands for fashion. It kind of made sence to me, since these are pretty-ugly colours, and I used the term in such way. Facepalm! Thanks for clearing it up for me!

    2. I've seen alot of people misusing the term fugly, so don't worry about it. :D

  3. Hahah, nasmejala si me s to objavo. Meni je barva sicer grda, ampak iz nekih meni specifičnih razlogov. Ugotovila sem namreč, da mi na nohtih niso všeč odtenki, ki kakor koli spominjajo na katere koli izločke* iz človeškega telesa. Ker so to pogosto razni rjavkasti, umazano zelenkasti in podobni izdelki, ki dajejo malo bolehen videz rokam/nogam in nohtom. :D

    * Krvi ne uvrščam v to kategorijo. :D

    1. Hehehe, no, saj mi je to čisto logično, jih ne moreš nositi zaradi asociacije. Nelogično mi postane, ko preberem, da nekoga barva spominja na vsebino plenice, ampak da se mu zdi fantastična. Nekako se mi to dvoje ne sklada. :D

      PS: Kri ni del te kategorije, kri je superkul barve. :D

  4. I LOVE this! I am obsessed with "fugly" colors and this one is one of the best for sure! I love the shimmer flecks in it. It looks awesome on you!

  5. One of those colors! I think you have to be brave and bold enough to wear colors like these. It's as if those colors recieve the character of the person wearing it, so they give the flavor, or the spice to that day. Or am I talking rubbish here? :D
    I think it suits you perfectly. :)

    But I think that CG Metro collection was really nice.:)

  6. love ugly pretties!! and trendsetter is a top fav

  7. still ugly -_- i nista sto bi nosila, ne podnosim ovakve boje. al kome se svidja neka nosi ;)

  8. Jaz obožujem ta lak, ker je nekaj posebnega.
    Mene tale barva ne spominja na noben poseben izloček, razen če sem jaz malo čudna. In če bi me spominjala na kak človeški izloček, dvomim da bi ga kdaj dala na nohte.

  9. I love it and it looks beautiful on you! Trendsetter is such a unique color and I totally have a thing for "fugly" colors, so I had to have it when it came out :)

  10. senfasta boja, meni uopće nije mrska :-D

  11. Obozavam ovaj lak, meni je savrsen za jesen
