Sunday, 30 September 2012

China Glaze Stone Cold and trailer for one of the greatest projects I am a part of

Heya peeps. This is my 400th post! It sure doesn't feel like I've written 400 post on this blog, hehe. And I'll skip the apologies for my rare posting, because they seem pointless now, I do it in almost every post. Thing is, I have a major competition/work on my college. I waited for the news for quite a few weeks and now I know I'm in and it's going to be a lot of work, but in the end I hope it will be worth it, everyone that's been a part of it says it is. So I'll write when I can and I honestly don't think anyone will be in a bad place for it. ;)

I've shown you my packages in my last post and I've worn almost all China Glaze polish already. They. Are. Fantastic. Lord of the Rings, did China Glaze make an incredible Spring collection!! I can't really say which colour I wanted most, but Stone Cold was definitively near the top, a gorgeous black matte with silver particles, I adore this type of matte polish. It reminded me of the ManGlaze mattes that I dream of. Stone Cold is the perfect black matte for me and the hunt for that baby is over.

Two easy coats, application was awesome. A very strong colour in China Glaze The Hunger Games Capitol Colors collection (Spring 2012), at least for me, I'm a matte fan.

Now about the project I wanted to mention. As you all know, I'm a big Tolkien geek and a member of our Tolkien society. This summer, on our grand meeting we started a project that already grew and is still growing into something incredibly awesome. We filmed a short version of Tolkien's Hobbit. We're all eagerly waiting for PJ's Hobbit (first part), and as we were planning to film some sort of scenes from Tolkien's works, our director said 'hey, let's make a short Hobbit movie'. And we said, why not! Such a crazy bunch of people. I love them all to death. So this is in fact a parody of Hobbit, but a nice parody! I always think of bad fun making when I hear the word parody, The Epic Hobbit is not that. It's our way of showing how much we love Tolkien and his works and have an amazing time while doing that. :) So here it is, the trailer of The Epic Hobbit. :)

Did you get any colours from Capitol Colors collection? Are you looking forward to the Hobbit movie? PJ's or ours? ;)

Thank you for reading & have a great first week of October!


  1. LOVE Stone Cold, it looks fantastic on you! I'm not sure I could pick a favorite from that collection either, they were all gorgeous! I am super excited for the Hobbit and that is so cool that you guys got together and made your own version of it! My hubby is a filmmaker so I can appreciate how much hard work goes into something like that. Awesome!

    1. Thank you, darling, for your kind words! :) It's really super exciting, I can't wait for PJ's Hobbit either. Your husband is a filmmaker, that's awesome! :D

  2. stvarno odlična kolekcija, ovaj je bio i moj favorit!

    1. Slažem se. A favorita ne bi mogla izabrati, Agro i Smoke and Ashes su isto odlični. :)

  3. Sicer ne vem, kaj se dogaja z menoj, ampak v zadnjem času mi je toliko sivih lakov všeč! Prej so se mi zdeli sila dolgočasni, zdaj pa začenjam ceniti njihovo lepoto. In tvoj je res krasen. <3

    Bravo za projekt na faksu in filmski dosežek. Čeprav nisem poznavalka Hobbita (oz. Tolkienovega opusa nasploh), trailer izgleda zelo obetavno. :)

    1. Meni je tudi šele letos siva zlezla pod kožo. Pomoje se je začelo z Grey Matters od Mise. Zdaj se mi zdi pa tako lepa barva. Nežna verzija bele, če zveni smiselno.:)

  4. Aaaaaa, ful dober trailer!
    Res zgleda kvalitetno narejeno :)

    1. Hvala! :) Ja, tudi jaz ne morem verjeti, da smo v bistvu samo z improvizacijo in ogromno dobre volje in kul ljudmi uspeli naresti tako awesome zadevo. :D

  5. aaaaaaaaaa, pa bude i vaš film zanimljiv, volila bih ga vidit *.*
    i lak je krasan, naravno, ali kraj ovog trailera ga skoro isti tren zaboravih :D

    1. Hehe, ženo, ti si stvarno super. *hug* :)

  6. I loooove Stone Cold and I'm crazy about Hunger Games now :) I'm a Tolkien fan too, so I'm looking forward to the Hobbit movie! Have fun and good luck with your project :)

  7. I loooove Stone Cold and I'm crazy about Hunger Games now :) I'm a Tolkien fan too, so I'm looking forward to the Hobbit movie! Have fun and good luck with your project :)

  8. One of my untrieds that I need to try.

  9. Wow, divan projekt! I wish you all the best and may all the hard work pay off in the end! :*

  10. The polish is nice, but your geekiness is awesome :D A great trailer! You know what I'm thinking about the movie: I can't wait! Till then, I will read the Unfinished Tales and the Children of Hurin... (and maybe do some Hobbit inspired nail art, hehe, I think you should join me!)

    1. Hehe, it's awesome that you find my geekiness awesome! :D And thank you for the compliment on the trailer, there is a lot of work from a lot of people in it so it means a lot. :)

      Oh, Children of Húrin, you should totally read that, it's a masterpiece! I'm looking forward to your Hobbit inspired nail art too, your ideas are always stunning. <3 I might join you, yes, at least for the premiere! :D

  11. Stone cold je super lak, a Hobbit, moram priznat da malo vise iscekujem PJevog ali i vaseg bi voljela pogledat, super je da ste se upustili u nesto takvo. ja sam jedno vrijeme bila clan almarenske druzine (tolkien drustvo kod nas) ali nikad nismo radili takve cool stvari. sad sam samo na forumu na kojem se prica o tolkienu i njegovim djelima

    1. Ooo, sestro u Tolkienu onda! :) Nadam se da se i hrvatsko društo malo više otvori, već smo imali kontakt sa nekim članovima. I sva Tolkienova društva imaju invite na naše veliko godišnje srečanje, tako da ima da se jednom i mi sretnemo! :)

    2. nisam vise clan iako se jos uvijek druzim s nekima koji jesu, al tko zna bilo bi super da se tako na nekom dogadjaju sretnemo, prepoznat cemo se po noktima :D kod nas je malo pao interes s vremenom, al nadam se da ce stvari sad s dolaskom hobbita opet malo zivnut :)

  12. I didn't get any from this collection-but China Glaze is not one of my favorite brands-

  13. That trailer looked really good! Seriously I'm excited ^^ And the polish looks great (: Though I'm not a fan of matte colours, but that is easily fixed with a normal top coat.
