Thursday, 21 February 2013

Taking a break

Hello my dear people! How are you doing? I hope you are all well. I want to let you know that Did Someone Say Nail Polish? will go on a break until April. Regular readers will know I am a part of a big international project/competition and that is the reason why I have not posted regularly since October. Next week the travel part of the competition begins, I will visit Asia for the very first time, and the wonderful city of Berlin, and revisit Vienna. I am a bit nervous, but at the same time I can hardly wait. And during all this I will not have the time to blog at all, not to mention photographing my nails. :)

Until April, have a wonderful start of Spring and enjoy the nail polish!



  1. Ohhh, du wirst in Berlin sein? Wann denn?? Wäre ja zu schön, wenn wir uns mal treffen! :)

  2. Have a great time!

  3. Wow, zakon! Kam v Azijo pa gres?

  4. Falit ces, ali nadam se da ce ti bit super na putovanjima i da ce projekt bit uspjesan

  5. Wishing you safe and happy travels, and best of luck in your competition!

  6. Travel safe! We'll miss you and your beautiful nails.

  7. Pogrešali te bomo, srečno pot! <3 =)
