Thursday, 3 April 2014

O.P.I. ~ Congeniality Is My Middle Name

Hello everyone! I feel a bit better after a horrible night I had, I felt very ill and slept until after noon. Yay. I hope it is just a one-day bug. So I went through my folders and realised I haven't shown you one beauty I wore in Bratislava. It is my flatmate's, and I loved it. Alas it is one of the colours that never photograph well, it looks much better IRL. 

Congeniality Is My Middle Name is a part of O.P.I. Miss Universe Collection for Summer 2011. This was three coats. I couldn't capture the incredible shimmer it contains, it looks amazing in artificial light, but my camera can't handle that. The berry/magenta base is gorgeous as well. A nice one! I haven't bought OPI in the last two years, I think. But ATM I am wearing DS Extravagance and I love it. Hope they'll make an amazing collection again soon.

Any OPI beatuies I am missing out on?

Thank you for reading and commenting!


  1. Wow!!!
    Amazing nail inc!!! I loved!!!

  2. Love it on you! and get well again, hope you fell better already!

  3. zgodna bojica, premda meni ne djeluje unikatno, ima brdo sličnih nijansi vani... što ne znači da ih ne volim, samo ih ne stignem iznositi ;)
    nadam se da su to tek prolazni problemčići, kod nas bi se reklo da te jugo satralo :*

  4. ma vidi se koliko je lijep i na slikama :D nadam se da je viroza bila kratka :)
