I guess I need another label on my blog. Because this one is so gorgeous, I have to show it to you approximately 20 minutes after I put it on. It's just ... one of the best greens I have in my stash, and I have A LOT of greens in my stash!
I have no idea why Brucci doesn't get more love, it totally deserves more publicity and acknowledgement. The brush is fantastic, they are usually two-coaters, the colours are ah-mazing, right up there with the expensive ones, but Brucci is also SO cheap! It's a total win!
I have a few bottles, thanks to Kris from My Lucid Bubble and the last swap package had this little beauty hidden in bubble wrap too. It has to be the perfect swap package, you'll see why in a few days. But I can tell you also this: it had two fast drying top coats there too!! Woo-hoo, we're back in business!
But now to this gem. I cannot see a possible way to not love Chris's Green Belt. It's just ... perfect. It's perfect, people!!!
Two effortless coats, I had no trouble whatsoever with this beauty. I finished with China Glaze Fast Forward and so my mani was done in like 10 minutes or so. Chris's Green Belt is an amazing colour, really, look at the shade of the green, look at the shimmer!! I don't get the name, but I don't really care, the colour is beyond perfect. And so is the application. Great one!!! Thank you, Kris!
Oh, my nails are short again, yes. The vacation was wonderful, but a nightmare for my nails. As you can see, I cut myself a bit on my index finger and my cuticles are still recovering from using hand cream only once a day (I usually use it once per hour!), since there was a lot of hand work and I couldn't get my hands all greasy often. So right now I'm pampering them to make it up to them, I hope they recover quickly. Which reminds me, I need to buy a new tin of Badger Cuticle Balm tomorrow!
What do you think of Chris's Green Belt? Do you ever find a polish you love so much you just have to show it to people ASAP?
Thank you for reading!
stvarno krasna boja, ne bih imala ništa protiv ni da je dio moje kolekcije ;-D
ReplyDeletejel doma kupiš badger cuticle balm ili na netu?
Very pretty green. I have to see if I can find it :)
ReplyDeletenail crazy, Brucciji su stvarno super, ako nađeš koju swapperku iz Amerike, preporućujem da jih staviš na WL. :) Badgerja kupujem v Sloveniji, u BB Natura trgovini. Znam da je jeftinije na netu, al iskreno se mi ćini i 7 eura jeftino, pošto sam trebala 9 mijeseci (!!) da potrošim onu malu boćicu a trošim ga sigurno 6 puta na tjedan najmanje. :) Stvarno je odlićan. Ti ga kupuješ na netu?
ReplyDeletermcandlelight, I highly recommend it! :)
Thank you for the comments!
Idealna zelena za tebe =). Mene niti ne gane toliko, me pa za spremembo tudi ni pustil hladnokrvno =).
ReplyDeleteUpam, da tvoji nohti in obnohtna kožica pridejo hitro nazaj na stari tir. Vem kako je, če ne moreš uporabljati stvari za nego rok tako pogosto.
That looks great on you! I'm going to have to see what else I can send from them to you. And yay! for having top coat again!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice!This kind of green is one of my favourite colours ( but Violet/purple is my favourite!!!! ihhihihi)
ReplyDeletesee you soon
Nisam nikad radila swap, a voljela bih, možeš li me malo uputiti u to kako se to radi i kako biti siguran da te niko neće zeznuti? :)
ReplyDeletecolorfulbottle, hvala! :) Ja, to je zame sicer res muka, tako da sem kar vesela, da jih lahko zdaj namakam. :)
ReplyDeleteKrisInPhilly, thank *you*! :D You know I love Brucci, so send away. :D
The Magic Pie, thank you!
Biberlee, htjela sam ti napisati email al nisam ga našla, tako da pišem ovdje. :) Tako, moja iskustva bila su sasvim pozitivna, swapala sam sa 5 blogerkama, sa još više imala stik oko giveawaya i sve cure bile su super. Moj savjet je da izabereš blogerku koja već duže vrijeme piše blog i koja ima malo više followera (bar 100, 200). Ne znam zašto al onda si uvijek mislim da se sigurno takva osoba neće blamirat sa lažnim swapom, kad već ima followere i "staž" na netu. Isplati se možda i naći koju koja ima slićan okus za boje, al ako hočeš radit swap sa WL, onda jes svejedno.
Ima više načina kako postaviti swap - može biti iznenađenje (boje, firme, broj lakova), može biti sasvim sa WL, može biti oboje ... možeš i napravit kao neki price-frame, da imate svi iste pare koje možete potrošiti za lakove i tako nekako izjednačiti swap. Radim sve takve tipove i svi su zabavni, ako je cool cura, onda se možeš sve dogovoriti. :) Swappanje je, bar za mene, super i preferiram ga preko kupovanja lakova za sebe u trgovinah. :D
Mnogo ti hvala na iscrpnom objašnjenju, izvini što nemam mail na blogu, promaklo mi je!
ReplyDeleteDakle, samo nekom predložiš swap, ja sam mislila da se to "organizira" kao giveaway? :)
Misliš da prvo kupiš i onda ponudiš? Ne, najlakše je preko emaila, kažete šta bi htijele da se kupi i to je to. :) Swap je super, nema žurbe a paketić uvijek super dobiti. :)