Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Finger paints - Groovy Green mattefied + my first (half-decent) stamping

Heya people. You can see I'm back to studying and that's why I'm not posting as much. I have planned one more post for this week, then I'm MIA at least until 14th August. Just to let you know. I'm preparing a mini giveaway for some time now and hopefully I'll launch it when I get back to full blogging again.

Today I have one of Finger paints from their Summer 2011 collection called Peace, Love & Color. I love that collection, but I effing worship their Fall one, Fall Fashionista (My Lucid Bubble review with added looks with the colours, love the review!)! It's SO awesome, so gorgeous, man, they beat the hell out of China Glaze and O.P.I. IMHO! The only one they couldn't beat is Smoke and Mirrors from Zoya for me. But they are a close second, I want like half of their collection, Cordur-Orange could make me cry, it's so awesome.

But today I have Groovy Green for you. The problem child of the collection, Kris warned me the formula was problematic and it sure is. Still, when I saw the mattefied version of it at Fashion Polish, I just new it will be love, no matter how the formula is.

Sam was right, this looks like green sister of Zoya Phoebe thanks to the silver shimmer, it's fantasitc!

This was three coats and a lot of cursing. The formula is a nightmare, effing tooth paste. I remember my right hand looking like a five-year-old would painted my nails. Still, the awful forumla aside ... isn't this green SO gorgeous? So fresh and crisp and ... springy? I loved it on my nails. Especially after putting the matte TC on, then it was just a plain perfection. Matte TC also reduces the visible brushstrokes, so yay for that. Still, you've been warned (several times now) - the formula sucks on this baby. Still, I love the colour so much, it goes to my Diva department. :)

Holly also sent me a Bundle Monster plate in the GA package and back then I was itching to try it out, having a bit of spare time on my hands. Btw, for stamping rookies such as myself, check Maestra's tutorial. It's fantastic, by far the best I've read and watched online. 
I tried two images, one on my left and one on my right hand. This is the first time I actually serously attempted to make a stamping pattern on my nails, so I know it looks awful, but give me some credit for trying. ;)

 I hate how I couldn't pick up the finer lines of this pattern, I like it so so much.

The best one  I did that day. Of course on my thumb, that is rarely seen. Only two fine lines missing, yay!

This was awfully off center, I know, I admire you girls greatly for placing the pattern where it should be. That was by far my biggest problem when doing this, I have no idea how you pull it off. I used Catrice Back to Black, of course, I thought it will be pigmented enough. I'd like to invest in some very well pigmented polish for stamping, any suggestions? I know, Konad does them best, but they are pricey. 

Oh well, hope this wasn't to awful for you to see. I actually had fun with it, but I couldn't do it every day, it takes a lot of time. 

Did you get any Finger Paints from Summer collection? What do you think about Fall collections for this year, which one is your favourite?

Thank you for reading!


  1. I totally love that apple-colour. Wish they had that brand in Sweden.

    Thank's for a great blog!

  2. I love it matte!!!! You have such pretty nails too!

  3. This looks great on your nails!

  4. Krasen zelenko!!! Zmatiran je prav tako čisto hud.
    Najlepša hvala za link in me srčno veseli, da ti je tutorial všeč! Yay!
    Konadiranje ti gre super od rok!!! Tudi mene mori, ko mi ne uspe vzorčka odtisniti lepo v sredino, zato imam raje nesimetrične vzorce in pozicionirane čisto po randomu. :)))))))))))
    Še ideja, kako bi jaz pozicionirala prvi vzorec: obrnila bi ga za 180stopinj in ga odtisnila blizu nohtne posteljice oz. obnohtne kožice. Upam, da sem razumljivo napisala. Hmm...
    Ja, človeka včasih kar preseneti, ker lak vseeno ni tako pigmentiran, kot bi si človek predstavljal.
    Na svoji "to do" listi imam, da bi sprobala, kateri Essence, Catrice ipd. laki so dobri za konadiranje, a saj veš ... veliko dela, časa pa (pre)malo. Bomo videli, morda se pa le spravim k delu. :))))

  5. Nalgarnalgarnalgar (haha, love the name), thank you! :) And I wish we had them in Slovenia too, get an american blogger for swapping, they're cool!

    imfeelingnail-venturous, thank you!

    Miss Blue, thanks! :)

    Maestra, o, to je pa super ideja! Sam vzorčkek mi takle ni bil preveč všeč, tako bo pa pomoje prav fin! In tak prispevek bi bil ZLATA vreden, tako da upam, da ti uspe! :)

    Hvala za komentarje! Thank you for your comments!
