Friday, 6 January 2012

Paket Petek

I could hardly wait for this Paket Petek, I wanted to show you this package right away when I got it! After I got back home from our NY party and went online, to check out the blogsphere, I was happy to see Maestra, my make up guru, did another post on brushes, that are rapidly becoming my obsession. Little have I known that the big surprise in the end of the post included giving away the amazing set, and that the little ol' me is getting it. I just sat on the chair, staring at the monitor for a moment without even blinking. I wanted a good set of brushes for so long - even had it on my WL I posted a while ago. And now all of the sudden I have it. 

Another thing I wish to point out - these were sent to me directly from the online store that sells them in Slovenia, This was a gift, they were sending it for free, I didn't pay for it. And still I got them the very next day that Maestra gave them my address. I already have great experience with from before, but I was really impressed by their speed and care in this case, since sometimes I read about some brands and stores that really take their time with sending free items. Great job and thank you,!

I want to thank Parokeets for this amazing, amazing package. There are no words for how happy I am about receiving the set. Thank you, so so much! I put my make up on yesterday with them, as I was getting out for a lunch and they are SO amazing to work with! I could already see the difference in my eye make up, being much more precise. I'm talking from a rather big brush-rookie aspect, so I can only tell you how it felt applying make up with them, nothing about the shape, the right firmness of them etc. And they felt awesome. 


And the little ones again, that I'm most excited about. :)

For the awesome review and better pictures visit Maestra's post on them, in there you can also see my latest favourite eye look by her she did with them. <3 

Thank you again, darlings, you're the best! *hug*

And you, my dear reader, brush & eyeshadow fan or not so much? :) What lovely packages did you receive this week or for NYs? 

Thank you for reading!


  1. Čestitam! :D

    Zdaj pa upam, da vidimo kakšno make up objavo.

    1. Uf, Biba, to pa ne vem, če bom kdaj upala. Enostavno ne znam slikati make upa na obrazu, vse barve so tako sprane, da so povečini že kar neopazne. :( Morda se kdaj še v to vržem, ko bo več časa. :)

  2. I am so glad that you won these brushes, I know for how long you craved over a good set of brushes, the prize draw couldn't have been better!
    I think that's karma, you know what I mean by that :)

  3. cestitam :) kistovi su divni, moja kolekcija je minjaturna, ali nadam se da ce se sirit

    1. I ja isto, sad vidim, koliko je bolje praviti look sa njimi, obožavam jih. <3

  4. Me veseli, da ti je set všeč! Obilo veselja s čopiči in upam, da ti bodo dobro služili. ;)
    btw. Tudi jaz sem se posebej zahvalila Maji iz Ličil, da so tako hitro poslali nagrado. Res so super!

    1. Maestra, fenomenalen set je, neznansko uživam z njim. :) Joj, ti moram še mail spisat, sem rekla, da bom, pa me je izpit čisto okupiral. :)
      Ja, nad Ličili sem pa še bolj navdušena kot prej, res zelo lepo od njih, da so tako hitro poslali. :)

  5. Hi, I am passing the Versatile Blogger Award on to you, the rules are on my page. But if you already have it, let it be just the way to say that I like your blog very much :).

    1. Thank you so much for the award! :) It means a lot. I've already gotten it, but still, it's nice to know someone remembers me! :)

  6. They are lovely! And free, how great! I just received my ELF order last week which was almost all brushes, too!

  7. Čestitke, pa da ti bodo čopiči dobro služili ;)

    1. Hvala! :) Saj mi že, smo fajn prijatelji. :D
