Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Catrice - I Sea You!

Heya people! I'm back home! I want to show you another Catrice, since my Catrice folder is getting really full. I never seem to post them for some odd reason. Anyway. I wore this a couple of weeks ago, probably for the second or third time. A pity, really, this colour is one of my favourite Catrice. I keep forgetting about the awesome polish I have at home until I grab the bottle by accident. So yes, I put it on and I love it still. Such a great sea green creme. Look:


This was three coats, I don't really remember why I needed three coats, Catrice has two coaters usually. The formula is on a thick side, like most of older Catrice. Well, you probably saw it many times and possibly have it too, so I'll keep it short. It is a gorgeous dusty creme, I must remember to wear it more often. 

What's your favourite Catrice colour?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Nice colour!
    I love Pimp My Shrimp by Catrice.

    1. I haven't tried Pimp My Shrimp yet, I must check it out in the store to see if it's my colour. :)

  2. I so wish that we had Catrice in Sweden! They seem to have quite a few awesome colors, like this one!

    1. Yes, they are great. Try swapping for them, some colours are going out in Fall!

  3. Hecno, kako drugače izgleda v steklenički in na nohtih. Kot da ne bi šlo za isti lak. Zihr obstaja fizikalna razlaga, zakaj se to dogaja, ampak jaz je s svojih družboslovnim umom itak ne bi razumela. Mene samo zabava, ko se to zgodi. :D
    Sicer pa res nadkrasna barva. <3 Mene take "pudraste" barve vedno pritegnejo, ker so tako nezanimive na prvi pogled, ampak hkrati zelo posebne.

    Moj najljubši pa ostaja Catrice Raspberry Fields Forever. :)

    1. Je mene tudi malo presenetilo. Nimam v spominu, da se je pigment takole obnašal na začetku. Verjetno je samo flaška predolgo stala, ker ko jo pobliže pogledat, zgleda kot da se je pigment nekako usedel na dno. Kaj pa vem, tudi jaz nisem fizikalec. :D

  4. Very pretty colour on you! I own this one too, but it's in my "untried" drawer... I recently bought anouther green one from Catrice (can't remember the name) and that almost seems to be a dupe (bummer!)

    1. Yes, Catrice likes to do that, only change a colour a wee bit and sell it under a different name. Or have the same name but different shade on it! One has to pay attention to that, otherwise you buy too similar colour.

  5. Tole je tudi eden mojih najljubših Catrice lakov (poleg I'm a blue or green), ampak se premalo krat spomnim nanj. Verjetno zaradi cele gore lakov, ki jih moram še preizkusiti.

    1. Enako. Tudi jaz pozabljam na te kul barve. Bo treba zrečiti malce vrste pa bo. :D

  6. Imam i obožavam ga! Svima stoji krasno :)

  7. ne mogu vjerovat da ga nemam :-(

  8. p.s.
    ovo zelenilo mi je puno ugodnije očima od prethodnog crnila, na tren sam pomislila da sam zalutala na krivi blog <3

    1. Maaa, kupit, brzo! Nadam se, da je još u liniji, Catrice voli discontinuat lijepe boje. Hvala ti na komplimentu, i meni se ova zelena čini puno bolja. :)

  9. Lep lak na čudovitih nohtih. =D

  10. I believe I need 3 coats of this too - somehow it's thick yet transparent. Looks good though!

    1. Indeed! It surprised me with three coats though, I don't think I needed three the first time I wore it. Can't remember really. Oh well, I have to put three more often than not anyway, so it's not a big problem for me. :)

  11. neznam cemu tri sloja, meni je ovo uvijek lijepo prekrivalo u dva. a ne mogu vjerovat da si ga tako malo nosila, moja bocica je skoro pa prazna, sto je cudno za mene i zelenu

    1. Haha, stvarno si me iznenadila, mislila sam da to neće biti ni slućajno tvoja boja. :D I da, previše lakova imam, zato zaboravljam lijepe bojice ...

  12. Catrice is missing out on a lot of revenue by not selling their stuff over here--I'd buy so many of their colors. I've been fortunate to swap for some, including this one (twice! since I dropped and broke the first bottle I got).

    1. Well, I think it's nice we in Europe also have some swapping material for you USA gals! ;) And I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they come to the USA, the market there is just too big.

  13. I don't know what my fave Catrice polish is-since I have none! But this sure is a pretty color!
