Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Take two on China Glaze

Heya people! How are you doing? I put on China Glaze Watermelon Rind again today and remembered I wanted to redo the swatches of it. Then I saw I already posted them and they are, in short, horrible. As I scrolled down my China Glaze label I also noticed my Bad Landing and Orange Marmalade swatches probably convince you not to buy them and not vice versa. Luckily I took a few shots of each when I wore them this Summer, so here is my take two on all three of them, in hope of doing them a little more justice, for they are awesome, especially Orange Marmalade and Watermelon Rind being my favourite China Glazes. 

Watermelon Rind. A green/blue/teal glass flecks. How gorgeous is that. This polish is incredible, really. If I had to hold on to just one China Glaze in my stash, this would probably be it. It contains everything I hold dearest in a nail polish. Yes, it's sheer, but with glass-flecked finish I'm willing to look past that. The formula was great, I had no troubles today with the application, so the extra coats weren't time consuming. 

Orange Marmalade is the orange sister of Watermelon Rind, the orange glass-fleck of the Summer Days collection that China Glaze released in 2009. I still don't think I did this amazing orange justice, but you can see how it glows and just how bright it is. And juicy, I always crave orange juice when I see it, hehe. Again a great application. Every time I wear these two I remember why I want the entire Summer Days collection. Glass-flecked finish at its finest, and you know how much I love that finish! 

Bad Landing. When I wore this for the first time, Tevta lent me her China Glaze collection. The second time I wore it, it was already mine, because Tevta hated it and gave it to me. I still love it, I have no idea what I love so much about this polish. Probably that it is so insanely bright (my pictures don't show that correctly). Or that it shifts from red to orange to pink, depends on the light. It's a cool colour, I like it. :) I can't find if Bad Landing was a part of a collection, so I'm guessing it wasn't. Oh, the application is superb, I don't think I needed clean up with this one at all.

Well, I don't know about you, but I think my new swatches are much much better than my old one. Finally figured out my nail shape, my hand position when taking photos etc. Bloggers, ever redo your swatches simply because it bothers you that you have a set of bad ones on blog? :)

What's your favourite China Glaze polish? Ok, top three? ;)

Thank you for reading!


  1. Fantastic swatches!! China Glaze makes the best glass flecks of any polish brand out there! I hope to one day redo most of the swatches I have on the blog once I get better at photographing them lol, especially the ones from my early days of blogging *shudders*

    1. Hehe, I know what you mean, my first months of blogging are so horrible, I don't like looking at those pictures at all. But hey, we live and learn! :D

  2. I love them all. Great colours and I love the finishes. Bad landing is stunning

    1. Yeah, they are really great and Bad Landing isn't getting enough love IMO in general. :)

  3. Orange Marmalade is amazing!!

  4. yup, vsa 3 so mi všeč, ampak watermelon je :love:!

  5. Ooooh! I had no idea that Orange Marmelade was that pretty! Watermelon Rind is also pretty, and I should definitely do something about my cravings to wear it soon.

    1. Hehe, you should! And yes, Orange Marmalade surprised me too the first time I wore it. I'd never buy it looking at its swatches, but it's really awesome.

  6. it's green here :confused:


    1. LOL, you made me laugh with this comment. :D I can imagine you walking into a green room, looking terribly confused about the wall colour. :D

  7. Nisem (še) obupala nad komentiranjem. ;) Tokrat poskušam iz drugega browserja, da vidimo, ali je samo browser problem.
    Torej ... krasni swatchi! Vsi trije so lepi. V moji zbirki pa je samo Watermelon Rind in ja, leeep!

    1. Super, da lahko spet komentiraš. :) Hvala za tvoj trud okoli te težave. :)

  8. Samo testiram. Poskušam spet v Safariju komentirat, da vidim, če bo šlo.

  9. Replies
    1. Oh yes, I can understand that ... happens to me all the time while I'm looking at swatches on blogs. ;)

  10. Nobena barva ni ravno "moja", ampak na tebi so mi zelo všeč. :)

    Ampak bolj sem želela reči, da se ne sekiraj glede začetnih postov. Če ne bi bilo njih, ne bi izgradila tako pristnega odnosa s svojimi bralci, ne bi postala tako dobra blogerka, kot si sedaj, in ne bi se mogla pohvaliti s skoraj 240.000 ogledi strani. <3
    Jaz bom nekatere pretekle poste posodobila in pri nekaterih vstavila boljše fotografije (sploh pri swatchih). Ampak zgolj tako sem lahko malenkost napredovala in se naučila, česa ne početi.

    Kot pravi Žižek, poskusiti znova in spodleteti bolje. :) Nikoli ne bomo popolne (blogerke), ker je to nemogoče, ampak lahko nam bolje in bolj graciozno spodleti. :)

    1. Hvala ti. *hug* Saj vem, vedno se učimo iz napak, ampak jaz nasplošno v življenju težko sama sem odpuščam napake izpred let, čeprav so čisto blesave in minorne in so me kvečjem ogromno naučile ... eh, sam to ni več debata za na beauty blog. :)

  11. još mi je bad landing najmanje zanimljiv, prva dva spektakularna... ali watermelon rind je ipak moj favorit :-D

  12. Bad landing <3 Glede začetnih swatchev se pa ne sekiraj, večina bloggerk jih/nas ima ;)

    1. Hehe, saj vem, samo bolje se počutim, če jih popravim. :D

  13. Uvijek mislim kako bi trebala ponovit neke swatcheve, ali nekako ih nikad ne ponavljam, zato ih ni ne gledam bas. a od ova tri mi je narancasti najljepsi

    1. Orange Marmalade je stvarno super, posebno za ljeto. :)
