Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Essence - Bashful

Hello everyone! It's so hot in Slovenia. I'm having an extremely lazy day, I think I still haven't recovered from the last week. I woke up after 11 am, had breakfast, watched TV and fell asleep for three hours. That never happens to me! o.o  So I'm typing this away still in my PJ and thinking of going back to my book. Finally reading One Hundred Years of Solitude, it's been on my to read list since forever.

I have another Essence for ya today. Bashful was a part of a very popular Snow White LE. I loved the promo pictures, but then picked up only two of them when I saw them on counter. Bashful is one of them, I love the shimmer it has.

Bashful needed only two coats, the application was very easy. Lovely colour, I like it a lot.

Did you get any shades from this LE?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Awesome color! I love that shimmer... I haven't seen any of these Essence polishes around. :/ Then again, I haven't been out much. Lol!

    1. The shimmer really makes the difference in this polish, I agree!

  2. Wonderful! I picked this one and the blue one for myself!

  3. This is beautiful. I love the shimmer in it. It' makes it so unique. I wonder if I can find this in the States.

    1. I'm not sure, but I think you can't. At least I'm always swapping with them and USA bloggers.

  4. Lep, pa še vedno ga srečujem v bolj zakotnih drogerijah. Se prepričujem, da ga ne rabim :)

    1. Uh, vso srečo. ;) Mene je hitro prepričal. ;)

  5. Ta je edini iz zadnjih Essence kolekcij, ki je pustil dolgotrajnejši vtis na meni. :) Čeprav ga ne posedujem in ga ne potrebujem.

    Ampak, res je lep. In predvsem popolno zelen zate, Ulmiel. :D

    1. Saj jaz ga tudi ne potrebuje, roko na srce. Ampak lep pa je. ;) In zelen! <3

  6. wiiiuu, čudovit! Kot mali otrok sem bla vesela, ko sem ga zagledala (in seveda kupila) v lokalnem DMu....in ga sploh še nisem uporabila :O
    fuj, shame on me, hee hee

  7. I literally gasped when I saw this, it is so beautiful!! The green with the shimmer? It's just too awesome. I am so super bummed that I missed out on this collection, I'm going to have to start checking eBay and blog sales!

    1. Oh yes, IMO it is the star of the collection. Hope you find it!

  8. Bashful is lovely! I would have picked it up too but the collection never made it to my city. Great mani!

  9. yay za sto godina samoce, citah prije par godina, uzivah, ali tako lako se pogubit u svemu

    1. I ja uživam, nisam ni znala, da je baš toliko dobra. A ima puno istih imena. :/

    2. PS: Bome, ja se ne mogu na to žalit, pošto ima Tolkien u Silmarillionu oko 50 imena samo na F. ;)

    3. i to su jos svi elfovi XD

  10. taratata, uspila sam se dočepat jednog laka iz ove kolekcije, i to baš ovog *.*
    nisi jedina, čini mi se da nam svima ova vrućina ubija volju za ikakvim radom ;-D

    1. I mislim da je ovaj najbolji, tako da super! :)

  11. Oh that is one gorgeous green!

  12. I usually do not like greens, but Bashful's shimmer called my name! I picked also Sneezy (for the same reason, I thought it's subtle golden shimmer could make appreciate brown more) and Sleepy (a complete fail because of its formula).
    Yesterday I found Grumpy. I'm a blue addicted, but I firstly decided to not buy it cause it seemed to me nothing new....well, I finally found Max Factor Fantasy Fire and I took Grumpy as well just to use it as one of the bases for this rare pearl!
