Sunday, 13 November 2011

Baubles up! mani

Heya darlings. It's beautiful autumn sunny day here in Ljubljana. Cold, but beautiful. Well it was anyway, it's already getting dark. I have another flakie layering today for you, again with Essie and Essence. I decided it's finally time that I crack open my Essence Glisten Up! bottle since Bobbing for Baubles seemed like a perfect base colour for it. 
Glisten Up! is  an already discontinued Color&go beauty and before Waking up in Vegas basically the only flakie polish we could get here for really little money. Still, I never read much about it. What is more, when Essence discontinued some colours (which means they're selling them 50% off already cheap regular price), Glisten Up! always seemed to stay behind, I always got the chance to pick a bottle or two for swapping, even if I never searched for it actively. I have no idea why, it's a gorgeous flakie polish. Plus it's a baby sister of stunning Nfu Oh 52

So, pictures! Essie Bobbing for Baubles with Essence Glisten Up!

Why I call this a baby sister of Nfu Oh 52? As you can see the colour play of green and blue is pretty much the same in flakies, plus Glisten Up! also contains the green shimmer, like 52. The differences are that flakies in Glisten Up! are sparser (you can see I basically don't have them on my index finger) and smaller, thus you'd need more coats to achieve what you achieve with one of 52. Plus, it has a holographic glitter in the mix too and a different base colour (it's lighter). It's rare glitter, but I prefer it that way, it spices up a bit the whole thing. All in all a wonderful layering polish, don't you think? Oh, removing is really nice and easy too. I removed it few hours ago, didn't even need the foil technique. 

I think this was a nice and cheap substitution for Nfu Oh 52. Ok, it's not as rich as Nfu Oh, and doesn't give so much depth, but considering the availability it had and the price difference, I dare say so. I got mine in a giveaway from Colorful Bottle (that i miss on blogsphere!) actually. If you're reading this, thank you, dear. :) I've already talked about Bobbing for Baubles, so no words on that beauty here. :)

Do you have Glisten Up!? Do you find it close to 52 too?

Thank you for reading!


  1. I love this! I don't own any of those polish's so I wouldn't be able to compare them.

  2. Da, Glisten up najbolje ide na tamnoplave lakove...divno je!

  3. Luškana kombinacija. Mene temno modra osnova z dodatki vedno spomni na vesolje. :)

    Jaz lahko podam svoj razlog, zakaj me pušča Glisten Up ravnodušno. Krpice in barve laka so mi zelo všeč, ampak tiste grozne srebrne bleščice. o.O
    One mi kvarijo užitek, ker se mi zdijo preveč random v tako lepem (in konceptualno dodelanem) laku. Zato ga nisem niti kupila, za en krog mi ga je dala Katkoc in to je bilo dovolj. :)

  4. REally great combo!!
    I love it!

  5. That is gorgeous! And yes, it looks like a good alternative to Nfu-oh 52. Now if only I could find essence in Canada!

  6. moonchild, thanks!

    Nail Designs xox, Nfu Oh 52 is still available, you can order it online. .)

    Biberlee, o da, super kombinacija, znala sam već od drugih blogova, da skoro mora uspijet. :)

    Meri, ja, poznam ta hec, ko te en detajl v laku (ali nasploh v MUju in modi) tako zmoti, da propade celotna zadeva, sem ista. Mene ne motijo, je pa res, da bi zlahka lak uspel tudi brez. Super, da si ga lahko sprobala preden bi ga kupila. :)

    rock-or-not, thank you!

    Lindsey R, you can always try swapping for it. :) I guess there are still girls from Europe who have a few extra bottles for swapping at home. :)

    Thank you for your comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  7. tek si ga sad probala, :O inace imam ga i srecom imam jos jednu bocicu, jer sam prvu skoro ispraznila, super izgleda u ovoj kombinaciji. I nadam se da ce se Colorful bottle vratit :)

  8. I have that Essie and love it! So pretty!

  9. This is SO pretty! I am adding that Essence to my wish list!

  10. Love the combo, I never thought of putting this one on a dark blue

  11. I also have Glisten up and it's gorgoues! Such a shame they discontinued, what braniac thought of that idea...

  12. Thank you for your comments, darlings! :)

  13. This is a killer combination! Nicely done - I love how the colours really play well together. :)

  14. This is a cool combination. I always like looking at blog sites to see what color combos go together well!
