Thursday, 3 November 2011

Zoya - Yara a.k.a. THE polish of this Fall

Hey everyone! How are you doing? Yes, I know the statement in the title is a bold one, considering all the awesome colours we got in this Fall's collections ... but Yara is the only one I used more than once in the past few weeks from when I got the bottle. And I freakishly love her, she's still standing on my polish table, and I'm still thinking of applying her next when I'm changing my mani. Usually I grab another, but as right now, I'm playing with the thought of wearing Yara again. So, in short, it's love. It's in the "so beautiful it could make me cry" section, and to this day I have 5 or 6 polishes in that section, no more. When I applied Neeka on my nails I thought nothing can beat her, not even green polish, but Yara being the green sister of Neeka ... well, you know me, right? I was planning to do another 3 green Zoya beatuies post as before with Yara in it, but she deserves all the attention.

You've seen her already, but let's look at her again.

A bad picture, but you can really see the micro glitter/gold flakes on my ring finger&pinky.

Let's write the obvious. It's from Zoya Smoke and Mirrors Collection for Fall 2011. IMO the best in line, with Neeka as close second. Two easy coats, wonderful formula and brush make this baby slide on the nails by herself. Yara has no faults. No other words needed.

Did you get any colours from Smoke and Mirrors collection? What is your colour of this Fall? 

Thank you for reading!


  1. this one is really pretty!
    but I just ordered Jem and Neeka from this Collection! I had to choose because my money is so limited :)

    gorgeous pics as always!!! <3

  2. Gorgeous color on some perfect nails! My word!! It is all-around fab.

  3. I got quite a few from this collection but passed on this one and every time I see it I wonder why I passed it up-it's so pretty!

  4. Jaz bi rekla, da so top 3 Jem, Neeka in Yara - v tem vrstnem redu glede na moj okus in Helmer. ;) Za Yaro mi pa nikakor ni zal, da sem sla posebej po ta lak se enkrat na sejem mode, zdravja in lepote v Helsinkih. :D

  5. Zaenkrat imam samo Neeko, ki sem jo odkupila od Baucek. Ampak tega še zagotovo hočem :D

  6. Mah, krasen in še mnogo več! <3<3<3 Itak, da ga RABIM!

  7. Danny, i passed on Jem because it's basically a dupe of Valerie, but yes, it's a good choice nontheless! :)

    Pickle, it really is, yes. :)

    Kimberly, thanks girl! :)

    Fingers, ooooh, run, run child and get a bottle!!

    Kaneli, si še vedno čisto na vijolično vidim. ;) Sicer je pa tvoj vrstni red tudi zelo lep!

    Biba, Baucek in njene razprodaje ... mislim, da se še niti eni nisem uprla. Tak zakon vir BBjev zame je. :D

    moonchild, hvala ti! :)

    Maestra, oh, na tvojih nohtih je pa a must, sveta popolnost. :)

    Hvala za komentarje! Thanks for the comments!

  8. Wohoo! I'm so glad I ordered both Neeka and Yara. This polish looks just great on your nails!!

  9. Zoya knows how to do greens, beautiful! ♥

  10. I am glad i ordered this one the other day.. i was on the fence but now that i see how beautiful it is I CANNOT WAIT!

  11. Obe, Neeka in Yara sta na moji wishlisti. Nekako se ne morem prepričati in ju kupiti... cena je visoka.

  12. I almost didn't pick this one up, but I am so glad I did. It really is unique!

  13. Taya, res je!

    maisenzasmalto, awesome choice, they are both my favurites! :)

    AmyGrace, amen, sister. Zoya does them right.

    theVEROblog, I'm sure you're going to love it, it's a fantastic one. :)

    nihrida, se strinjam, tudi naročanje je drago, naših cen pa sploh več ne gledam, ker so čisto blesave. Jaz sem jih zaswappala, tako še najceneje pridem skozi z ameriškimi firmami.

    The Lacquered Lady, it sure is!

    Thank you for your comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  14. Savrsena jesenja boja, zelimmmm!

  15. It really is a statement polish for this fall!

  16. I know lots of people who was disappointed with this polish. Therefore I never bought it. But I'm having second thoughts now.

  17. It's a nice colour, but I was disappointed with it when I first put it on. I thought was too dark for my skin colour. But maybe coz summer's around the corner (here in Aus). I think I've gotta buy Gemma, much softer and lighter for the warmer months. Yarra applied like a dream though.

  18. I have this and Neeka - amazing polishes to apply. Very impressed with Zoya!

  19. OH wow! That looks stunning on your nails!

  20. Hermetic, get it, if you can. :)

    Biberlee, I agree!

    Sarah, seriously? Wow! I have never read anything bad on Yara!

    Aly, omg, seriously? Well, I don't pay much attention on how does something look on my nails, if I like the colour, I dont' care. And Gemma is a stunner too. :) Hope you and Yara make up in Fall. ;)

    Nailstyle, indeed, they're both one of Zoya's best!

    Mina, I understand the urge, hehe! :D

    imfeelingnail-venturous, thank you dear! :)

    Thank you for your comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  21. Prekrasna zelena in vsakič, ko jo vidim, se sprašujem, kaj točno je narobe z mano, da si je še nisem omislila. Sicer me pa Zoya vsako leto začara z eno zeleno. Lani je bila Veruška, letos ja Yara.

  22. S., res je, Zoye prej nikoli nisem imela za ekstra močno v zelenem oddelku, vedno je zame kraljeval BB Couture pri zelenkotih ... zdaj ko pogledam na polico z laki, lahko mirno rečem, da je Zoya v samem vrhu pri mojih zelenkotih. Pa še zakon formulo imajo, tako da čisti epic win. :)
