In last two days I got an idea for another 'theme' on the blog. I have one for ages now but I want to take my time for that one, which just might be a mistake, as I never find it. The idea behind the theme of today is simple and I wonder if it will stick. The thing is, sometimes I find something on beauty blogsphere and I just die a little, I like it so much. Either a look, a shade, a product ... whatever. And I often think to myself: I have to mention that in my next post on blog! But then a day or two pass, I write a post, it seems already long enough or that any other news in it would stick out a bit, and I leave it behind. And now I will try with this, we'll see how it turns out. :) I know there are many ways on the internet for similar things, Pinterest, Twitter and so on, but I'm not drawn to it. I hardly ever use Facebook too. I have my blog and that's my piece of internet I like to use. :)
This discovery made it on top of my make up wishlist. I was browsing through blogpshere and Phyrra's look caught my eye. As I looked at the products list, I noticed the eyeshadow named Bazinga. Eyeshadow named Bazinga?! I clicked my way through the Internet jungle and found Darling Girl Cosmetics. One of the indie brands of make up products and the creator behind the brand made a Big Bang Theory inspired eyeshadow collection. Lord. Of. The. Rings. Not sure if I even mentioned that, but I am a huge, huge fan of The Big Bang Theory. I re-watch many episodes, have favourite episodes as well, and I can find quotes from the show for many situations, proving I am truly a geek. Not to mention that when I saw the names of the eyeshadows, not only did I know who said it or what situation was it taken from, but heard/saw them say it in my head. Yeah. Big fan.
The picture is taken from and property of Darling Girl Cosmetics page! I only cropped the eyeshadow out.
I *love* that the creator used Gerard as a name, that made me laugh. It's such a tiny detail that only a fan would remember. On, not to mention the eyeshadows are absolutely gorgeous. Gorgeous!! My favourite being Alright Ma!, Lizard Spock, Knock Knock Penny, Still At The Nerd Table and What Up Moon Pie?. But all of them are stunning. The rest of the eyeshadow on the page is great as well, but I really need the Nerdvana collection, I'm such a fan of good eyeshadow and The Big Bang Theory, it's a total must for me.
What do you think of the new theme? Do you know Darling Girl Cosmetics, can you recommend any products?
Thank you for reading!
OMOJBOOOOG! I died a little (a lot!).
ReplyDeleteMislim, da jih potrebujem v življenju.
TBBT sem pogledala sigruno 3x vse znova + redno gledam svoje najljubše epizode :D
& ja, meni se ta nova tema zdi super ;)
DeleteZakon, še en BBT fan. :D Sem ravno danes pogledala tisti del, ko Sheldon pozabi flash drive doma. "You forgot your flash drive, you forgot your flash drive, you forgot your flash drive, " v ritumu vlaka. :D It never gets old. :D
DeleteJa, drgač jih pa tudi jst res hočem. Pomoje naslednje leto, takoj ko bo mogoče naročim, davek gor ali dol. Hvala za mnenje o temi, upam, da se bo obdržala. :)
A veš, da imava skoraj popolnoma iste najljubše? Jaz bi le izpustila Knock Knock Penny in dodala My Own, My Love, My Precious. In Sheldon je zakon! =D
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam, Sheldon rules! :D My Own, My Love, My Precious je tudi zelo lepa barva ja. V bistvu tudi če ne bi bila tako zakon tematika senčk, bi se mi zdela odlična kolekcija, ker je IMO zelo dobra razporeditev subtilnejših in živahnih barv, tako da res lahko delaš zelo raznolike looke. V glavnem, a must have. :D
Deletewiii, če bi mi mejkap kaj več pomenil, bi se tud verjetno slinila nad vsem tem (ok, barve so mi vseeno všeč, seveda) -- tako sem pa "samo" extra navdušena nad izbiro "teme" za tole kolekcijo! TBBT rocks! *\o/* (theme song imam za zvonenje na tulifonu)
ReplyDeletePodpiramo tudi idejo o novi temi :)
Še en 'die hard fan' se oglaša, ampak mi tale Gerard ne da miru. Vse dele sem že vsaj trikrat pregledala pa se ne spomnim omembe tega imena, a mi lahko prosim razjasniš, ker drugače ne bom mogla spat in bom vse dele mogla še enkrat pogledat v petek imam pa izpt!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteVšeč so mi vse nevtralne senčke in že šibam na njihovo stran da vidim če mi še kaj pade v oči ;)
Hehehe, MissDoll, Gerard je ime Amyini električni zobni ščetki, ki jo uporablja za druge namene. ;) Ne vem točno, katera sezona je, se pa spomnim da grejo potem punce ven, iskat Penny fanta, pred tem je pa Penny zelo hudo, ko vidi snežinko, ki ji jo je Leonard prinesel s severnega pola in se zato odloči, da hoče tipa nekje staknit. :)
DeletePS: Pa vso srečo na izpitu! :)
DeleteHvala, mislim da je tale epizoda nekje iz 4 ali pa 5 sezone, se je pa spomnim ;9