So yeah, I did
this plan last year, and apparently it helped, because I've gotten most stuff on it! Brushes were an amazing gift from my dear
Parokeets (I use all of them regularly, half of them every day, and they are amazing! I'm talking about BH Cosmetics Deluxe set of 10 brushes, in Slovenia you can get them at, Burberry The Beat was a lovely surprise gift from my boyfriend, I've bought all Beauty UK eyeliners I planned (and later on added one more on the WL, waiting for my next order), and I bought/got so many eyeshadows in this year, I don't need the 120 palette anymore. :) So only two things are left on the WL, and they are still there because they are either pricey or hard for me to get.
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This year some stuff remained on the WL, due to the fact I've become obsessed a bit with it, some have changed. If the result in the end of the 2013 will be as good as this year, it will be very cool.
Oh yes. This year my newly awakened obsession most certainly are perfumes. I love perfumes, always had, but this year a very good friend of mine introduced me to the 'craft' again and I started discovering them all over again, this time also from the perspective of notes and durability (and not just on 'I like it' - 'I do not like it' scale). What you see on the photo is my top 5. In no particular order, these are perfumes I liked most in the past few months, so I dare say I will like them in the future as well. They are amazing. Naturally, I do not expect to buy them all, but at least one of them would be really awesome. :) I can already see, if they weren't so expensive, I'd already have 20 of them. Horrible. :)
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Aaand I'm not done with brushes either. Although I'm really happy that my collection of brushes has grown to a respectful size (for me at least), I am in need of a good blending brush. That's my biggest target for next year. And we all know which one is the most well known and praised. MAC 217! The price is ridiculous, but if half of that gals are saying about it is true, I think it is well invested money. I see on ličila that BH has a blending brush as well, but is out of stock ATM. Perhaps I shall start with that one, I'm very happy with my BH brushes. Oh, in this department I also plan to buy more eyeshadow brushes, since I have a million colour combinations and sometimes not enough time to wash the brushes. Any recommendations?
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Another new discovery in make up department are certainly blushes or blushers or however you wanna call them. This is thanks to a wonderful blogger and make up enthusiast that owns, a really awesome girl that goes by the nickname Krvava Meri (Bloody Mary). Before her post on blushes I've always deemed them a bit unnecessary, being fairly quickly red in the face (and no, I do not see anything nice, classy or cute about it), but since I started using it, I realise just what a difference it is, having the right blush on your make up look. So I'm planning to buy more of them, definitively, first in line: La Femme!
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Moroccanoil Treatment Serum for hair. I really want this, I've read a very good review on it and I really want to pamper my hair with it. They get dry fast and I always grab them with my purse or jacket, making them snap, so they deserve something extra.
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My depilator is about 10 years old. It has to go, ladies. I need the new, super cool and non-painful hair-eater, that I can use without cursing like a sailor. Definitively a must purchase next year. Again, if you have any suggestions on really good ones, let me know.
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I really want the little hand/fitness or whatever weights. At one point I used plastic bottles of water at home, but they are so clumsy. I like to exercise at home, it makes me feel great, but a lot of exercises I want to do include the little weights, so I gotta buy them.
To end in my style. Eyeshadow, naturally. The three brands on the picture are Sugarpill, Concrete minerals and Lime Crime. They all have a thing in common: they all produce extremely bright, extremely pigmented matte eyeshadow. And boy oh boy, I want them. The bright red, the bright yellow, orange, green, blue ... and all mattes. My holy grails of eyeshadow department. Sure, I want the sparkly one as well, but matte bright eyeshadow is my lemming for quite a while now. And from what I see and read on blogsphere, these three brands are perfect for killing my lemming. I put Lime Crime Chinadoll in the picture because that is the specific craving from the brand. *pictures taken from, and
So yeah. Loads of make up, again. Again loads of eyeshadow. There would be a lot of lip products as well, but I'm working on that area already in this year, so it doesn't count. ;)
It's a long wish list. I like a lot of stuff. Of course the most important things in life are not things, so the top of my WL definitively takes the spititual area. Love, health, peace of mind, happiness. But we all know that, and we all wish the same, when it comes to the very basis, don't we? I wish that for you as well!
Thank you for reading!