Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Over 100000 views and Question of the week

Evening! Wow! I just crossed 100.000 views on this little neck of the internet of mine. Thanks guys! I highly appreciate your time you spend here! 


But what I'm doing right now is trying to start the Question of the week thing I told you about already. I have 15 minutes left of Monday, so why not do it as a Monday thing? I'd like to put this on the sidebar so anyone that drops by can click and chat about the theme. The question is also so we can chat about it, not only answer it. It would be anything and everything, not only nail polish oriented (although it might be the main topic still, since, you know, this is me we're talking about). I hoped I'd update my comment window by now but alas I didn't find the time. So let us try and we'll see how it turns out. What do you think? 

The question of this week is: Do you actually care about one coaters being one coaters or do you still do two out of habit?

The question hit me as I applied a couple practically one coaters lately, but I always did another coat, even though the manicure would be completely fine with only one. I do this because I have this theory that with only one coat of colour polish my nails would be too weak, they would bend too easily. Another part of the theory is that I convinced myself all colours look their best with at least 2 coats. So I'm a total two-or-more-coater. 

How about you? :) And please share your thoughts on the Question of the week thing! 

Thank you all for reading, following and viewing my blog! *muah*


  1. Congrats on such a huge milestone :) I guess about the question... sometimes I can't apply it well enough in 1 coat lol and need 2 to even things out, not the polishes fault though!!!

  2. I always do more than one coat, no matter what and for pretty much the same reasons as you. It's nice when a polish is a one-coater so that I don't have to worry about patchiness or bald spots.

  3. I always do at least two coats, no matter what, because I also have the same theory as you--my nails would be too weak with only one coat, and much better protected with two.

  4. I always put on a second coat, but it really says something about the quality of the polish to me for some reason when it is a one coater. I really love how when you first put on a new polish and it is a one coater, you get that instant gratification of knowing how it will look on the nail.

  5. Congrats! If it is a one coater I usually do two if I am going to be taking pictures of it but if not I will do just one.

  6. I always use at least 2 coats :P

  7. Congratulations ! By the way, I always do more than one coat.

  8. Meni je redko redko ok 1 plast in res iz navade dajem vedno vsaj 2 :D Joj..

    ČESTITKE za 100 000, super ;)

  9. Čestitke za toliko ogledov, to je res super. :)

    Jaz vedno nanesem dva sloja, tudi če je lak prekriven v enem sloju. Nekajkrat sem te lake nanašala samo v enem sloju, ampak se mi je vedno po nekaj urah odkrušil, tako da zdaj vedno nanašam dva.

  10. Čestitke za broj pregleda, wow, divan jubilej!

    I thought about one-coaters just yesterday! To tell the truth, I rather put two thin layers than one thick. One of the reasons might be my clumsiness as well :)
    So, in reality, there are no one-coaters for me.

  11. Congratz! I remember how I was excited when I hit my first 1000 visits!! Maybe one day I'll reach 100000 visits me too!

    Anyway, about the question of the week: it depends on the situations. If I'm in hurry, I choose one of my one coater polishes and I do my mani.
    But usually, I do 2 coats in any case.

  12. čestitke, bravo!
    ne znam, zna mi se desit da nastavim s drugim slojem iako je prvi bio dovoljan... navika je moćna stvar ;-D

  13. I also apply at least two coats ;p
    Will you show more polish nail polishes? ;D

  14. i ja uobicajeno stavim dva sloja cisto zato jer ako je samo jedan puno brze se pojavi tipwear ili se okrzne lak

  15. cestitke!!! :)
    ponavadi nanesem debelejsi sloj in ce je ta dovolj, ne nanasam 2. sloja niti pri navadnih lakih.. :)

  16. Thank you everyone, I love the response! I see nail polish junkies are all the same, hehehe! Well, most still do two anyway. :D

    @ elf, I will, I'm planning a couple of posts in the near future! :) I'm loving them, so I really have to rave about them. :D

  17. For me, how many coats depends on what it looks like on my nail. For nail strength I use a base coat with fiberglass in it (Nina Ultra Pro Calcium Enriched Hardener Base Coat).

  18. Ja, priznam, obožujem enoslojce! Če je en sloj dovolj, res ne vem zakaj bi nanesla dva, raje uživam v superhitrem sušenju celo brez hitrosušečega nadlaka in se naslajam od dejstvu, da je enoslojec. Sicer pa raje nanesem več plasti (sploh pri kakšni jelly lakih, tudi 3 ali 4), samo da ne bi bila vidla nohtna linija. To mi je tako grdo. x(

  19. @ Desert nails, yeah, that's the start for me, but usually that means I will add the second coat or even the third one. :)

    @ S., hehehe, naslajaš ob dejstvu da je enoslojec. :D Saj jaz tudi zmeraj poudarim, če je, mi je všeč taka stopnja pigmentiranosti. Ampak ja, sem tudi jaz čisto anti VNL, smem je videti in pika.

    Hvala za komentar! Thank you for the comments!
