Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Comparison: Orly Galaxy girl vs. MAC Formidable!

Hey there. Finally I have enough time to write this down and show you some pictures. :) First comparison I did with Galaxy girl and Formidable, because I just wore Space Cadet and wanted some change. So here it is ...

This is taken outside, I marked the fingers, the order is the same on every photo. 

On direct sunlight (again L to R: MAC, Orly, MAC, Orly)
Play of colours in the finish. (MAC, Orly, MAC, Orly)

The blue shimmer. (MAC, Orly, MAC, Orly)

I have no idea why the pictures aren't clickable. I left them large so you can better see the comparison, but now the blogger won't let it change into original size in a new window. I'm really sorry about that, I'll try to fix it. o.o EDIT: did fix it. Man, it got personal!! They are klickable now. And huge. o.o

I did three coats of both polishes. I'm wearing it whole day long now and I think it's safe to say they are 100% dupes. The shimmer is the same, the finish, the base colour. Even first and second coat are the same - same amount of shimmer, same precentage of cover. Frankly, if I haven't wrote down on which finger is which polish, I'd have forgotten the order by now (luckily I did write it down, since I knew I won't be able to publish pictures right away).

I love MAC's brush! It was much easier to apply the polish. Otherwise all the same as Orly. I cannot judge the drying time, because I used top coat as I always do if I put more than two coats of polish. And the colour, well, I really really don't like it. I wasn't too crazy about Galaxy Girl's bottle (same goes for Formidable!), and I'm even less crazy about the colour on the nail. I'm thinking it's gonna go fast. I really don't like it on my nails. 

All in all it's basically a decision about a brand, since the colour is the same. Which one, if any one, will you be buying? To you prefer MAC or Orly and why, if may I be so curious. ;) :) 

Thanks for reading, have a good week!


  1. Meni je vseeno, katerega dobim, samo da ga dobim :D

    Se ti zdi, da bi znal biti podoben tudi S-He 434, če ga mogoče imaš?

  2. Tudi meni je vseeno - nabavila bom pač tisto znamko, ki bo prva za dobit. Trenutno sicer zgleda, da bo to kar MAC - tudi Space Cadet ima svojega dvojnika pri novem MAC:u, in swatchi tega laka oziroma dvojnika so mi vsekakor všeč. ;) Od novih Orly kolekcij se pri nas trenutno dobi samo Plastic, eeek... premočne barve zame. :S

  3. Biba, žal tega s-heja nimam, če pa ga dobim, naredim primerjavo. Na žalost mi barva res ni všeč, tako da mi verjetno tudi S-He ni padel v oko. :)

    Kaneli, se strinjam, Plastic tudi meni ni všeč. Finish je pa kr neki, pa tako reklamo so okoli njega delali.

  4. Ni ti všeč?

    Če ti pošljem za en krog S-He za primerjavo, a bi bila za to? :)

  5. Seveda, z veseljem. :)

    Galaxy girl mi pa ni všeč. Ne vem zakaj, ker v teoriji je čisto moja barva, na nohtih mi pa res ni bila všeč.

  6. No, super.
    Moj mail je: barbara(dot)skledar (at) gmail(dot)com, pa mi pošlji mail, da se dogovoriva :)

  7. Sam res, kako to, da ti GG/Formidable! ni(sta) všeč? :O Tule imam Formidable! sicer samo v flaški in je tak vijoličast, temen in oh in sploh. :D Je pa res, da ima modrikast šimer, hihi. ;) Kakorkoli, komaj čakam, da ga sprobam in ti potem poročam, kaj si mislim o njem. :P

  8. Ti kar! Hehe, je bila Tevta tudi začudena, kako to, da mi ni všeč. Saj sem jaz tudi, v bistvu ... v teoriji bi morala biti moja barva, sploh podlaga. Sam kaj, ko mi je podlaga všeč le podrugem sloju, lak rabi pa tri da je enakomeren. Pomoje me kombinacija z modrim glitterjem tako moti. Čeprav mi je recimo Jordana Supernatural super, pa je moder glitter, le da na čisto črni podlagi. Eh. Kaj čmo. :)
