Monday, 20 June 2011

Essence - My Yellow Fellow + p2 crackle

Evening everyone! Hope you had a nice weekend! I had to study my butt off, but I was with my BF, away from all computers, TVs and so on, so I actually studied more than ever, with more pleasant surroundings and a very nice company that even cooked for me. :) Now I'm back, and I feel like chatting about polish.

This one is older, my nails grew quite long and snaped back to this lenght in all this time. I haven't picked this one up for me, but then tried it at home and loved it so now it's mine (with the premission of the nail polish junkie that ordered it from me, of course ;)). Me, liking yellow? Yes! I guess there are no limits now anymore! The application was less than nice, but from what I've read on other blogs, yellow doesn't get on the nail easily in principle.

Later on I put the black crackle on, getting the ultimate contrasting combination. I've already shown you this one before, now with TC over  p2 Black Explosion and without.

My Yellow Fellow needed fout coats to even up at least a bit and still on some fingers it was an utter disgrace. I love the brush on Blossoms etc. LE, it's flat and wide but it didn't help with this little diva. It just wouldn't even up on the nails. Oh well. Can't say I didn't expect some sort of troubles, since a well-behaved yellow is a constant lemming of yellow-polish lovers. 
Still, surprisingly I looooved the colour on me! It is so damn bright, but I still loved it! Very springy, perhaps that's why. :) It's probably not a colour I'd feel like wearing very often, but when I wore it this time, I felt awesome wearing it. :) One regret though - the awesome shimmer that the bottle promises is visible on the nail only on direct sunlight, as my 'off direct sunlight' photos show.

One coat of p2 Black Explosion crackle polish over, a day later, I think. I like how p2 crackles, luckily I don't have the need to buy Black Shatter from OPI. :) 

What do you think about My Yellow Fellow and the combination? Did you get any of the colours from Blossoms etc. LE?

Thank you for reading!


  1. My bottle is still unopened! Why? I love yellow :)

  2. That is a gorgeous yellow, lovely light and summery

  3. Hm der essence Lack ist mir ein wenig zu doll gelb! Ich mag es nicht, wenn das Gelb so kräftig ist.

    Und schwarzen Crackle mag ich überhaupt nicht. Weiß auch nicht warum, aber ich find es immer hässlich.

    Ach und übrigens: Ich hab jetzt alle Lacke zusammen! ;) Ich maile dir morgen dann nochmal

    Liebe Grüße

  4. ja sam se razmisljala da li kupit ovu ili ne, ali pretpostavih da ce bit problema s nanosenjem pa sam odustala jer mi se ne da zezat s toliko slojeva, al lijepa je boja

  5. 4 coats?!..yikes! It came out very pretty, but I would REALLY have! I love the shatter on top :) to LOVE a color to do 4 coats

  6. Mina, be prepared for some application difficulties! :)

    Nicole, thank you, I like it too, to my great surprise. :D

    Danny, ja ich weiß was du meinst, später ich ausprobierte noch American Apparel Butter, eine sehr zarte Gelbe Farbe und ich mag es mehr als My Yellow Fellow. Hehe, schwarzes Crackle ist wie 'der Grund' meiner Crackle Sammlung, aber sehr selten auf meinen Nägel. Blau, das ist *the* Crackle für mich. :) Und vielen Dank für Catrice, wunderbare Botschaft! :) Ok, dann wir fortfahren via emails. :)

    Lendoxia, da, zbog nanošenja i ja neću toliko nositi ovog koliko bi htjela. Al svejedno, žuta još uvijek nije baš moja boja, tako da ga i neću poželjeti svaki drugi dan. :)

    Jackie S. me too! That's why I'm not sure I'll wear it very often. Then again, I'm not a fanatic of yellow colour, so it's not a big deal, especially for around 2 bucks per bottle. :D

    Thank you all for your comments!

  7. A veš, da je rumena verjetno edina barva, ki je še nisem imela na nohtih? Pa sta v moji zbirki en ali dva rumena laka...

  8. joj, 4 sloja... šteta jer boja baš dobro izgleda :-(
    ali ovaj p2 crackle... božanstven *.*
    i savršena kombinacija boja!

  9. Zanimiva in privlačna kombinacija. Sedaj malo obžalujem, da nisem kupila še tega, zakaj mi to delaš, zaj ga bom gotovo kupila, če ga slučajno kje zasledim =)))).
    In kako kaj gredo izpiti? Upam da je vse v najboljšem redu =)

  10. Jaz sem zadnje čase nora na rumeno in jo imam pogosto na rokah. Nekako pozitivno deluje name, saj me spravlja v dobro voljo.

  11. Šteta za 4 sloja :S jer boja je predivna! A i kompletna kombinacija mi se svidja :O

  12. Biba, kar pogumno, ti kar zleze pod kožo, vsaj meni je. :D

    nail crazy, ma da, znam ... i meni se čini puno za boju koju ne *obožavam*.

    colorfulbottle, v Maxiju v LJ so imeli še skoraj polno stojalce! Če nisi nič v LJ, mi sporoči, ti ga vzamem! :) Izpiti pa grejo, zaenkrat kar po načrtih, upam, da bo tudi ta v petek! :)

    Taya, super, mene je tudi kar v dobro voljo spravila. :) Bo že nekaj na teh toplih barvah. :)

    Irena B, hvala! 3 slojevi bili su užasni, tako da ja stvarno trebam 4. :/

    Hvala za komentarje! Thank you for your comments!

  13. Meni je ovo najljepša žuta koju sam ikad vidjela i oprostila bi i 5 slojeva ako treba ali nažlost nisam niti jedan lak od ove kolekcije uspjela ulovit jer nije došla u DM. Nadam se da će Essence ponovit jednom ove boje koje su bile u ovoj kolekciji.

    Predivno ti stoji i odlična mi je crackle kombinacija :)

  14. ful dobro zgleda rumena barva na tebi:).... Na mojih nohtih mi pa nikoli ni všeč:(

  15. Predivna žuta,ja je mogu nositi jedino u ovoj kombinaciji,sa crnim crackle-om,ili ispod nekog nail arta ;)))

  16. Divna žuta, iako mi djeluje identično kao i Bye Bye Birdy od Catrica po slikama.

  17. I love the color combination- the yellow with the black!

  18. Uh, rumena... jaz je zaenkrat še ne morem. :P

  19. Lalica, niste dobili Blossoms etc.? Šteta, nije bila loša kolekcija. Ma, sigurna sam, da dođe prije ili kasnije. Blizu mu je i Bye Bye Birdy, tako da možda uhvatiš radije Catrice boćicu, kao što je Just me and Hohner rekla. :)

    Pink_Diamond, hvala! Jaz sem rabila kakšno uro, da sem se navadila, nisem navajena tako svetlih barv na sebi. :)

    Nina, i meni je bilo onda lakše, sa cracklom, a svejedno mi je super boja. :)

    Just me and Hohner, zato i nisam kupila Catrice lakića. :)

    ligata, yeah, it's the ultimate contrast! :)

    kaneli, eh, to sem tudi jaz govorila, pa poglej me zdaj. :D ;)

    Thank you for your comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  20. Še tukaj napišem =). Hvala za tako lepo ponudbo, ampak grem v četrtek v lj, in imam miočne upe, da bo še tam, če ga pa nebo, pa tudi ne bo največja tragedija =).
    Hvala ti!
