Monday, 6 June 2011

Long time no see: Essie - Angora Cardi

Another 'Long time no see' and it's Essie again. I picked it up from the shelf and I was surprised at how much I love the colour, I wanted to put it on my nails right away. I feel that because of Mint Candy Apple I forget how much I love Angora Cardi and don't give a chance to Essie. It's so easy to work with, it's almost funny. 

 Softer light.

Just three pictures because when I put it on my computer I realized all look the same, even these three, with the one being in softer light, but all in all I kept the same position of hand and it seems pointless to show you 5 identical pictures.

Anyway, I really love this polish, I don't know why I neglect it so much. It's a two coater, application is really easy - which surprised me greatly, having the horror of MCA in my memory as Essie polish - and it dries super fast and glossy, I didn't put TC on at all and had a smudge free mani for a couple of days. It really got me thinking I must clear the WL of Essie a bit, Angora Cardi proves to me Essie can kick ass. 

Today a short one, I don't feel particulary chatty. Still, I wanted to show you this beauty. Do you like it? What do you think about Essie as a brand?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Love the colour! Just started purchasing Essie polishes and I like them so far.

  2. Such a beautiful, undescribable polish! Is it red,purple,pink or somewhere between? Interesting...

  3. Essie does a lot of nice stuff, so I can forgive them the occasional difficult to work with pale color or the thousands of reds and pinks they have instead of giving us back Starry Starry Night.

  4. I have love-hate relationship with Essie, but I totally adore this shade! Shame on me, it's still among my untrieds, but I just feel like wearing bright shades these sunny summer days :)

  5. Gorgeous colour! <3 Your nails look amazing as always :)

  6. I'm only a recent Essie convert but so far I love everything I've gotten. I've never had pastel cremes so shiny and streak free. I still want 'Wicked' and I have a coupon burning a hole in my pocket for it!

  7. Angora je čudovita!!!
    Essie ima kar nekaj zelo dobrih odtenkov, ki se nanašajo kot pesmica. Če rabiš kdaj pomoč pri izbiri, mi lahko pišeš na mejl, imam precej Essie-jev in še več jih je šlo skozi moje roke. In za kar nekaj odtenkov ti lahko iz prve roke napišem, kako so se mi zdeli. Res pa je, da imam krajše nohte in na krajših nohtih se laki obnašajo malo drugače kot na dolgih. Vsaj kar se nanosa tiče.

  8. A Polished Touch, yeah, I must clean my Essie WL too.

    Stickers, maybe that's why I love it so much. :)

    caneriva, me too!

    KarenD, I think I'd just might faint if they gave us back Starry Starry Night. It's a gorgeous polish.

    ritterbraten, oddly enough, I feel more autumny lately ... I'm wearing darks quite a lot.

    Jette Fromm, thank you, dear. :)

    Shildmaiden96, don't let it burning, go, buy it! :)

    Maestra, res je prelepa. In vem, tvoji swatchi so razlog za daljšanje moje Essie WL. ;) Precej zapostavljam to znamko, sploh začetka sem jo kar odpisala kot znamko dolgočasnih mlečnih in rdečih odtenkov. Ampak ima kar nekaj birsečkov. Če bom rabila pomoč, zagotovo pišem, hvala ti!

    Thank you for the comments! Hvala za komentarje!
