Sunday 20 March 2011

Handwriting Tag

Hello people! How are you doing? As I'm editing my todays manicure, that just may be my last, since I don't want to remove it EVER, I'll post a scan of my handwrite. I was tagged by Colorful bottle and since I'm late for this party, I taged only a few. But if you think it's fun, do it! Because it is fun! :)

Ok, this scan looks really shitty, forgive me. This is what you have to write:

1. What is your name? And your blog name?
2. Blog URL
3. Write: the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
4. Favourite quote
5. Favourite song
6. Favourite band/singers
7. Say anything you want
8. Pass it along to a few bloggers
And that's it! Have fun with it! :)


  1. Super misel, vidim da si res velika fanica Tolkiena. Zaj je pa že res zadnji čas, da se lotim knjig =).

    Tvoja pisava je pa tudi zelo lepa. Res mi je blo super pregledati pisave od vseh punc ki sem jih taggala =).

    In pa seveda še verjetno z veliko zamudo, ampak ker ne vem točno na kateri dan si imela rojstni dan: Vse najboljše! Želim ti uspešno leto, na faksu in blogu, ter še na vseh ostalih področjih =)

  2. Hvala ti! :) Rojstni dan sem imela sicer v nedeljo, 13. marca. :) Moja pisava mi pa sicer ni preveč všeč, sem jo čisto nezavedno prilagodila temu, da pišem čim hitreje, zavoljo predavanj, kjer moramo včasih res kar divjati po papirju. :D
