Sunday, 6 March 2011

O.P.I. - Little Red Wagon (with Nubar Torrid Red)

Hola gente! How are you doing? I wanted to show you my Carnival manicure yesterday, but I got so busy at home that I couldn't find the time to type this away, I had to go to our 'headquarters for costumes' a.k.a. my friends house to get all ready. Hope you got into a costume, if you celebrate the Carnival, it's superfun! :)

My costume was black and red, and I wanted to have really awesome red on my nails. I do have quite a few reds in my stash, but I went through 'the source' too, and immediately when I grabbed Little Red Wagon I knew I found the colour. I loved it from the time I was shoeboxed with O.P.I. so I knew I'd feel awesome wearing it. 

Lord of the Rings, my middle finger cuticle is an abomination. Forgive me, I'm trying to heal it as fast as I can, but I just can't, appearantly. It's hideous and I effing hate it.
I love this red, really. It's awesome! You can really build the colour too. It is a one coater, you get an even one coat, but you will have VNL with one coat. Two already hide it pretty well, and then you can build the colour with layers, two is brighter, three is already darker, but super deep, I loved it. I didn't have the time to put the fourth one, but I'm guessing it would go even darker. The photos are three coats, with ring finger only two, can you see that it's a shade lighter colour? I did two coats on the rest of my nails, and it's super cool too.

Little Red Wagon is a part of O.P.I. Holiday 2008 collection called Holiday In Toyland, holding also two of my favourite OPIs that i still don't have: Don't Toy With Me and Brand New Skates. *sigh* So a pretty good collection, I'd say. What I love about OPIs reds, it stands for LRW too is, that they are perfect in the application. Trully flawless, you can't go wrong. And the colours are awesome, I think OPIs strongest colour just might be red, at least for the quantity of really great reds that they produce.

On my ring finger I put Nubar's Torrid Red that I already talked about, just to put sexy colour on sexy colour. ;) I really wish I had the time to do the full mani like this, I think it would look really great, as an accent mani it almost looks too subtle. But I love the combination, really. One day, when I have the time, I'll do a full one! 

I'm thinking of doing a major comparison with reds, would you be interested in that? What do you think about Little Red Wagon? And what were you wearing yesterday as a costume? :) 

Thank you for reading!


  1. oh my gosh! I love this red!!! sooooo pretty!

  2. Very gorgeous, and a great idea; I never thought of combining my reds that way.
    I do agree that OPI seems to have a lot of beautiful shades in the red family, including the only one I've ever bought two bottles of (and used up both)-- "I'm Not Really a Waitress".

  3. Red is the ultimate please compare all! Would like to read about that!

  4. Predivno ti stoji ova crvena, baš je posebna.

  5. ja se ne maskaravam ^_^ a ova crvena je prosto bozanstvena <3

  6. Lep rdečko! Nisem sicer mahnjena na rdečo v splošnem. Na nohtih jo redko nosim, ampak od časa do časa pa prav zapaše imeti klasične elegantne rdeče nohte. Primerjava rdečih odtenkov? Verjetno bo marsikomu prav prišlo. Morda bo tudi meni. :D Morda med primerjavo najdem kakšnega rdečkota, ki ga še nujno rabim! :D
    Za pusta se ne šemim. Res ne vem, zakaj. Zelo verjetno pa bom jutri vsaj za blog delala Toxic Nature inspired MU in bo vsaj MU primeren za pusta. :D V soboto pa sem na nohtih imela Essence - Chacalaca - vau, noro lep odtenek!

  7. Thanks everyone, for taking your time to comment! Just to let you know, I've already started comparing the reds, combining my and Tevta's stash I can make a Red comparison week!! Whoa! :D Just hope you'll like it. :)
