Hei everyone! How are you on this sleepy and lazy and oh-no-i-really-have-to-study-but-don't-wanna Sunday? :) I got up *late* and after breakfast/lunch decided I'll change my mani, going again with China Glaze. I'm thinking this will be my China Glaze month, because I just can't resist trying them, although I bought a few nail-polish that I'm also dying to try ... when you have too much nail-polish to choose from, that's a hell of a good thing, my darlings. :D
Anyway, I picked Awakening. It seemed like an interesting colour from the bottle. And then I put it on ... took a few pictures just to show it to you ... and quite soon put it off again. :/
What you see here is a definition of "not my colour". It looked purplish in the bottle, on my fingers it looks pink with golden shimmer. It has this frosty like finish that shows just about every stroke of brush on my nails and it really does nothing for my hands, as it doesn't fit my skin tone much. I apologize for my ring finger on the second picture, it's impossible to clean the colour so deep in my nail, and usually it's not visible because I try harder with application. When I don't like the colour, sadly I don't try with application much, my bad.
Anyway, obviously this is one of those colours that go great with my guru's nails and skin tone, but look awful on my hands.
So I change the mani quite soon, because I couldn't stand the look of my hands and nails. I went safe this time, I went with holo. But blue holo! I was not a blue nail-polish fan, untill I tried O.P.I.'s DS glamour. That was love at first nail and since then I'm more tolerable with blue nail-polish, I try it out before I claim it's ugly. ;) CG DV8 holo is a very non typical blue for my taste, but it looks effing awesome!!! And I love holo effect, so I totally dig this colour.
I had pictures with more obvious holo effect, but they were superblurry, and I don't like posting those pictures, they bother me too much. What I dig about this polish is, that holo effect is obvious even now, in semi darkness of the room, with only little light coming from the window. I don't have to stand on the sun to capture it. I love it. I love holo. :)
Are you a holo freak or is it too much for you? :)
Thanks for reading!
DV8 je za dol past. Eden od lakov, ki jih še nisem imela na svojih nohtih, a si to zelooooo želim. V resnici je bolj zelenkast, a ne?
ReplyDeleteAwakening je meh.
Imam CG IDK - dobila se ga rabljenega, zastonj, in nikakor mi ni zal, da sem ga vzela. Holo je kul efekt. :)
ReplyDeleteNina, ne, se mi zdi, da je na slikah kar realna barva. Meni deluje res čisto svetlo moder, barvitost mu daje holo efekt, sicer pa svetlo modra barva.
ReplyDeleteKaneli, o ja, vem, holo je zakon, jaz sem se zaljubila v efekt s Color Clubi. :)
Hvala za komentarja!:)
Holo je čist nore barve :)Jaz imam CG OMG.
ReplyDeleteAja, všeč mi je novo ozadje, se res lažje bere :)
Še ena za novo ozadje. Mislim, da je belo na črnem (znanstveno) zelo visoko na listi percepcije.
ReplyDeleteNekoliko manj sem za holo efekt, ampak ta mi izgleda dejansko prebavljiv. To je ogromen kompliment. :D Prva sličica mi sploh izgleda super, ker deluje kar narisana. :)
DV8 mi se više sviđa.. prekrasan je.. i odlično ti stoji, jako lijepe nokte imaš. Prekrasno :)))
ReplyDeletePozdravček ;)
ReplyDeleteUf, Awakening pa res ni med najlepšimi. Čisto nič moja barva in predstavljam si, da bi na meni ravno tako čudno izpadel, kot na tebi. Da o finišu sploh ne bi komentirala. :S
DV8 je pa druga zgodba. Izredno lepa barva in finiš + za Konad je uporaben. Sicer pa bi ga jaz bi ga uvrstila že med teal odtenke (sicer bolj na modri strani). Meni ne izgleda čisto moder. Hmm ... zanimivo, kako oči različno vidijo in možgani različno dojemajo. :)
Super blogec. Z veseljem ga bom prebirala. ;)
katkoc & Meri, me veseli, da je blog boljši zdaj, ker mi je tak veliko bolj všeč kot prej. :D
ReplyDeleteLalica, hvala! :)
Maestra, dobrodošla na blogu, pa hvala za kompliment. :)) Zanimivo, ja, ker jaz ga še kar vidim kot čisto modrega, brez kanca zelenega, razen zelene, ki pride ven v holo efektu. Kar je pravzaprav neverjetno, ker so moji možgani sicer radar za zeleno barvo, hehe. :D
Hvala vsem za komentarje! :)
DV8 je čudovit, nimam ga še. Imam 7 CG holo lakov in vsi so tako lepi. Morda veš, če je DV8 kaj podoben Nubar: Absolute ali Nfu-Oh: #65? Ta dva že poznam in oba sta modra s holo finišem.
ReplyDeleteMoram ponoviti, da imaš zelo lepe nohte in takšna dolžina se meni zdi idealna.
Mamy, žal ne vem, ker nimam niti Nubarja niti Nfu-Oh. Je pa DV8 res fantasičen, ja. :) Hvala za kompliment in komentar. :)