Monday, 4 October 2010

My thoughts on ... O.P.I. Burlesque Collection

I just realized, I haven't caught up on swatches from OPI's Burlesque, I just saw promo pictures of bottles, and since it left me quite cool I didn't make a mental note to check regularly for the colours on the nails. Now I found them by chance on Krex's blog (link is to the second part of swatches, there is also a first, non glittery on the blog) and, well, since I'm doing this my thoughts on... thingie and can't sleep anyway, what the hell, right? :) 

For the record: I love OPI. They have produced so many totally kick-ass colours that I adore, and still do, my keyboard can't handle the excitment over the brand and how much I love some of their nail-polishes. Sadly, Burlesque Collection is not really my cup of tea. From the bottle pictures I liked three, possibly four colours - in first row the second, fifth and the last one and in the bottom row the second. So purple glitter, red, vampy red and green glitter.

From the swatches I don't like one glitter polish (for me that's way too much glitter on one nail). From non glitter polish I like the red one, Ali's Big Break, but it's nothing really special to me, you know what I mean? I have quite alot of reds at home, and right now I'm looking more forward to my two red S-hes that I still haven't tried out than to this one. There is another red (i have no idea how to combine swatches with the bottle pics, since there seems to be more reds than on the bottle picture) that  I think it's pretty awesome: The Show Must Go On (oh my, I won't be able to stop singing Queen whole night long). It's totally cool from the swatches! 
Let Me Entertain You is, from All Lacquerd Up comparison, a worse version of Don't Toy With Me, another OPI red that I toooootally adore! So that's why it's a no no for me, but otherwise a cute colour. 
And the winner of the collection Tease-y Does It. That's a cool colour with an unbelievable silly name! I thought at first that it's a dupe of Milani's Spellbinding, but as it seems, it's more brownish based and with coppery glitter, not so much red, so that's a plus!

In short, out of 12, two. But those two are pretty cool! So yeah ... not my favourite collection done by OPI, but I'm not complaining too much. O.P.I. is still one of the best out there. :) 

Your feelings about the collection? Hate it, love it, i-need-them-all, OMG-gimme-bleach-for-my-eyes? :) 

Thanks for reading! :) 


  1. Čeprav v splošnem nisem glitrasta oseba in glitraste lake tudi redko dam na nohte, me iz nekega izredno čudnega razloga teli vseeno pritegnejo (kot sta me Absolute Alice in Mad As A Hatter). Tako da ja ... verjetno se bo kakšen gliterček pridružil moji zbirki. Verjetno Show It And Glow It! + morda/verjetno še kakšen. Edini, ki mi od glitrov ni všeč, je Extra-Va-Vaganza!, ker enostavne ne maram teh oranžkastih/bakrenih odtenkov. Od šimrov me pritegne samo Tease-y Does It.

  2. Pri non-glitter delu kolekcije mi jih je kar nekaj všeč...

  3. Biba, se podpišem.
    Zagotovo si pa ne želim nobenih bleščic.

  4. Maestra, meni so pa vsi ti glitterji preveč ... glitter imam načeloma rada zgolj na črni podlagi. Sploh Mad As A Hatter, čeprav mi je z imenom odlično pasal skupaj, mi je čisto res over the top. :D

    Tako da sem tudi jaz bolj na shimmer strani, 4 od 6 so mi všečni, imela bi sicer samo dva. Ampak mojemu ubijalskemu seznamu ne bo škodilo, če samo dva dodam nanj. :D

  5. Glitter lakovi su mi mraaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!!!
    Show it and glow it moram imat, divan je. Ubiti su mi svi gliterasti divni ali ovaj mi je naj.
