Monday, 18 October 2010

China Glaze Month - Tree Hugger and a surprise haul

Hei everyone! I'm back online! My computer crashed on Thrusday, I still don't know what happened (I'm an idiot when it comes to computers, I'm afraid :/), but luckily my boyfriend was a sweetheart and did his magic with it and now i'm back with every file still existing, so yey! I have another China Glaze for you today, I wore it a couple of days ago on my impulsively shortened and now too short nails. I always do that, I try to shorten my nails and overdo it. 

With flash.

The lighting wasn't the best, as usual doing this period of time,  I'll need to fix that pronto. But this polish is definitively a cutey-pie of my collection, it's so adorable! It reminded me greatly of another shade, it drove me nuts, before I figured out it's Zoya's Midori that it reminds me of. With a different shimmer - Tree Hugger has a bright green shimmer, while Midori's shimmer is gold. One of my favourite Zoyas too. I love this type of green! I love every type of green, actually ... 

And another thing I wanted to show you (even though I'm thinking about stopping posting my hauls, since then my spending money for polish is published and recorded, not a good thing! ;)).  My guru brought me new goodies from her trip in Amsterdam!

I'll try to post another comparison this week, if the weather will be a bit better (i can swatch my mani in this lighting, I'm not so sure about comparisons, where I'd like to show you the details too), maybe even two, since I'm really starting to pile the comparsions and the polish. 

So, tell me, what's on your nails today? And what do you think about this little China Gaze? Oh, and don't be ashamed, tell me about the latest haul of yours, all numbers are allowed here. :D 

Have a good week, thanks for reading! :)


  1. Tree Hugger je čudovit! Čisto moj tip zelene! Strupenko. :))) Tvoji nohti so še zmeraj čudoviti!

    Super, da si spet nazaj. Sem te že pogrešala. ;)

  2. Všeč so mi tvoji krajši nohti. In končno se enkrat ne morem norčevati iz objemalcev dreves. Prelep je!

  3. Uu, kaj pa imaš to za ene pridobitve? Jaz trenutno čakam na BarryM Dusky Mauve & Indigo, drugače pa že kar nekaj časa nisem nobenega kupila...

    A tale zelenko zelo obarva nohte?

  4. Rezultat obiska v Sloveniji je ene 7 Catrice odtenkov, ene 5 Essence (skupaj z mat nadlakom), 1 O.P.I. (jah, cenejsi je v SLO kot na FIN), miniserija O.P.I. Go Goth, ki jo je tvoja guru narocila zame in en temno zelen lakec iz Amsterdama. ;)

    Zdaj mislim in upam, da nekaj casa ne bom kupovala lakov. :P

  5. Maestra, se strinjam, božanski lak. :) Oh, in hvala, zelo lepo slišati. :D

    Nina, lol. :D

    Biba, razen Gosha so vsi samo oštevilčeni, bom šla od leve proti desni: Hema je firmica, očitno,prva dva sta Metallic in nimata niti številk, razen če veljata absurdno dolgi 45.571.64 in 45.571.72, vijolčko je isto Hema, s številko 08. GOSH je Blue Monday, potem pa še trije Etosi, št. 26, št. 19 in št. 18-16. Uh, originalno, ni kaj.
    Zelenko mi pa sploh ni obarval nohtov! Samo še malo imam obarvane od Cosmic FX, sicer pa all good. :) Kar me spomni, da me še čaka polovica te kolekcije ...

    Kaneli, lajšaš mi vest! :D O marička, OPI je še dražji na Finskem?! Uh! Essence pa dejansko, poleg Choose me!, ki sem ga končno dobila, še eden mika, Trendsetter. Very nice. Za zadnji stavek pa - to vse zmer rečemo. :P ;)

    Hvala za komentarje!

  6. Catrice in Essence se ne dobita na Finskem, torej je bilo treba narest zaloge. :P Mislim, da je se najbolj poceni lak tule Depend ali pa lakci od Lumene Natural Code, vse okrog 3€... O.P.I. pa stane okrog 16€, si mors mislit; na letaliscu je mal cenejs, ampak tam ni bilo dost izbire.
