Monday, 11 October 2010

Haul from Finland with a surprise

Hei hei! I can't sleep, so why not show you at least a part of my today's photoshooting. It was a very nice sunny Sunday, but since I was a bit under the weather from last night and didn't get enough sleep, I kinda stayed in, being lazy, and at least made a couple of comparisons and a new mani. 
Kaneli finally came back to Slovenia and we had to go out and hang out a bit! Since she's been infected with nailpolishus fanaticus too, it was an obvious thing, that she brings us some nail polish. ;) 

 Depend 209, 170 and 191

I asked her to bring me the three colours after searching some swatches over the internet and I immediately fell in love with the tree, but especially 170. It looks gray in the bottle, but on the swatch it looked like very very pale blue with a hint of gray, very unusual and it hit me. Sadly, Depend doesn't make it anymore, Kaneli explained to me. What a let-down! I was then looking forward to the 209 and 191 and yesterday I got them. After a minute Kaneli got from her bag 170! I was sooo surprised!! She actually wrote to the factory in Sweden, asking if they really aren't making this one anymore, and they sent her a couple of bottles for free! HOW-AWESOME-IS-THAT?! She actually wrote them!!! She's so totally übercool! Thanks, Kaneli! Can't wait to try it on! :D 

I already have a bad conscience because I've spent so much money on nail-polish this month, I don't even dare to calculate. I just got alot of chances to get nail-polish from abroad and you know I can't resist buying some in our stores, and yeah ... here we are, I had to separate the nail-polish I still haven't tried out from the others, because I've found yesterday two bottles that I've gotten for my birthday, still untouched. My birthday is in March. 
Thanks for reading, have a great week! 


  1. Super, sploh 170! Depend lakov še nimam v svoji zbirki...

  2. Moji so tudi prvi. :) Komaj čakam, da jih preizkusim. Kaneli pravi, da so kremni v redu, vsi ostali pa dokaj muhasti pri nanosu. Bomo videli. :D

  3. Meni se zdi super, da 5ml lakca, v tem primeru predvsem 170, povzroci tako veselje. :D Depend je s to posiljko vsekakor potegnil pravo marketinsko potezo - njihove izdelke bom zagotovo se kupovala. ;)

  4. What a sweet thing for your friend to do! I love 170 but the 191 is exactly what I've been looking for. I hope it is still being made!
