Wednesday 3 November 2010

Jordana - Wicked and 5 minutes tea break for nail-polish

Evening everyone! It has been a loooong day, I had classes until 6 p.m., but am in a chatty mood, I hope you're with me, get a nice cup of tea (or coffee if it's not too late for you) or cocoa and lets us talk nail-polish. Man, I  sound like a bad commercial. :D First I wanna show you an old beauty of mine, it's an old mani, but this was the reason why I started liking glitter. 

Small pictures, I know, like I said, they are old, one of my first swatches, I think. It totally needs three coats, but then becomes amazing, copper specks of glitter in black base, ah! It's quite easy to apply, if you ignore the three coats thing (and three is not a problem for me anyway), dries up a bit rough though, if you don't like that you'll probably need two coats of top coat to make it smooth.

Chat after the klick. :)

 Anyway. Now that my Pickwick fruit tea is done (bought it in Žatec, you wouldn't believe the choice of tea in Česka!), I can finally drool about the holiday collection from China Glaze. I've saw tons of swatches, but since for some odd reason eveyone puts Party Hearty on every shade, and I *really* don't like Pearty Hearty, I went to the official china glaze blog to see them. I really love 5 of them: Little Drummer Boy (gorgeous navy blue), Sugar Plums (purple!), Jolly Holly (*awesome* forest green), Mistletoe kisses (*awesome* green glitter, they say it even has a bit of holo effect) and Peace On Earth (great olive green shade). I'm a bit disappointed tho. I expected reds to be SO much better and unique, i thought I'll want at least 10 of them. Oh well. Still, 5 is enough. :D

And another brand that totally surprised me again! Essie!! Essie is growing on me, last few collections had some really impressive colours in them. So just two words. Going Incognito. OMG!!

Got this in my mailbox couple of days ago, i'm sure you've seen it already.

I remember seeing them on someones nails, but can't remember which blog was it ... anyway, green is a must have for me, I'm liking Masquerade Belle tons,  I have to see Luxedo and Silken Cord on a swatch to make up my mind. It's 2 for sure and another two maybes for me. By Essie in a 6 bottle collection. WOW! I never was a big fan of Essie, but now they're starting to grow on me, seriously. Demure Vixen, Sew Psyched and Limited Addiction being the three Essies I'm lemming for from this year ... *sigh* Must do some shopping, this wish list is getting too long. :D ;)

Oh, and what are your thoughts on Metallics LE by Essence? I want them for the effect, it looks so damn cool. I just heard/read that they're coming to DMs too just now, but I seriously don't know when will I find the time to search for them. o.O Classes are taking lots of my time. Otherwise I'm succesfully resisting the Essence euphoria. I got Choose me! and I'm thinking about Trendsetter, but otherwise I'm still immune to the oh so cheap little bottles, that are just calling you to get them ... I still prefer S-he in this price-range, I love their brush and pigmentation. 
Catrice is one to be worried about tho. ;) They have so many new products that I totally like from the pictures (MU included), I'll just have to go to Austria to buy them! Especially Run, Forest, Run! green nail-polish looks to die for! Which reminds me, I must show you some Catrice colours! I've gotten all that I like. I gave away The Devil Wears Red for higher purpuses and basically, I don't miss it, I think Wine-tastic and Caught on the Red Carpet will do for me on reds appartment by Catrice. Do you like them? Own any of them? :) I'm sure you do, Catrice is really great, for this price you really don't expect a nail polish of that quality, I adore it.

So yeah, I've manage to add 8 n-p to my wish list (10, if you count the maybe Essies) in just one post, yay me! And I've updated it regularly through blogging. How about winning a lot of money so I can buy all of them? ;)

And before I forget. You know, I'll just admit it, I find this type of things quite fun if I'm in the mood, and I really like to read them, so I'll follow Biba's lead and answer them. 

Here are the questions:

1. Innie or Outie?
It's totally up to my mood. I love being outside, on a good concert, festival, love to travel, or just hanging out, but I also love stay in with a good cup of tea, a good book and some music on the radio, or watching a good movie with my BF.

2. Unlimited wealth? Or Unlimited health?
Unlimited health, there is no doubt. What will I do with the money if i'm so sick I can't spend it?

3. What is your favorite book?
You're asking a book-worm for a favourite book? Man! I love fantasy, I'm a huge fan of Tolkien, so I guess Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, The Children of Húrin too, also Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. Apart from fantasy I'm a huge fan of modern novelists, like Paul Auster (Brooklyn Follies, The Book Of Illusions (this probably being my favourite by him), Oracle Nights ...) and Milan Kundera (The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Identity, The Joke etc.) ... there's really too much of them. I usually fall for the author and then I  read all his/her works I can find.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
Hm. I adore Granada in Spain. It's probably one of my favourite places in the whole wide world. Absolutely adore it. But I'd like to have a flat in Prague too (or a castle nearby), definitively in York (not New York, York!), and on Bled. I'm not demanding at all. :D

5. What is your security blanket?
Security blanket? Like really blanket? Don't have it. For security I come home, or call my BF. As cheesy as that sounds.

6. What is your mode of transportation?
Ljubljana's public transportation. I avoid driving our car, it's not in the best of shapes in this kind of weather. What, cold, rain and fog get to him. Yes, cars are alive. Haven't you watched the cartoon?

7. What is your signature scent?
Probably Paco Rabanne: Ultra Violet (the purple one, not pink). Or Jean Paul Gaultier - Madame. I'm usually torn between those two.

8. If you were at Hogwarts, what house would you belong to?
Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

9. If you could be any Disney princess who would you be and why?
I don't like Disney's princesses. I'm not a fan of those stories. Blond princes in the end.  ;)

10. What is one of your bad habits?
Just one? Being late all the time.

And you know I have to tag some people!! ;) This is totally optional, if you have the time and energy, it's pure fun!

Kaneli, Parokeets ladies, Lyra, Ivana, Taya and Lalica. Like I said, optional! :D

Whoa, long chat, eh? Well, now is still just a monologue, I hope you'll make it a chat! Talk about anything, tell me about your CG; Essie, Essence, Catrice lemmings, thoughts, whatever, what do you think about Jordana, glitter in general ... I'll be happy to read your answers to the 10 questions in the comments too! 

Thanks for reading, it's been a long one, I know. Have a nice day tomorrow!


  1. Ah my dear, it's been lovely having this little chat over tea (pg tips for me) we really should do it more often. So much polish, so little time! I just picked up some of Finger Paints holiday collection tonight. I love your Jordana nails, they're so pretty. Have a lovely evening and I'll look forward to next time. :)

  2. Yey, tegana sem! Se bom potrudila in napisala odgovore, tako ali tako rabim počasi kak nov post. ;)

    BTW - včeraj sem šla v eno lekarno in našla Essie v LEKARNI. Okej, tudi na Islandiji so lake prodajali v lekarnah, ampak tule na FIN jih pa načeloma ne. Poleg tega je bila Essie v tej lekarni nemarno draga - 16€, niso normalni. Že v Estoniji so Essiji pol cenejši oziroma 8€...

  3. Super, sem z užitkom prebrala! Priznam, sama sem preveč lena, da bi imi uspelo spravit skupaj tako dolg post *lol*

    Hvala, da si odgovorila na vprašanja :)

    Glede novih lakov... Raje ne povem, koliko sem jih dodala na WL *hides in shame*

    Going Incognito izgleda božanski, komaj čakam nanj. Glede ChG pa mi je všeč polovica kolekcije... Sem skromna :D

  4. Hey Anita, welcome to my blog and thanks for commeting! :) Hehe, I'm really glad you liked it, I was a bit worried that it was just too long and no one will read it. :D I shall chat more often then. :D Yay for Finger Paints, I'll check your blog as soon as I can to see the swatches. :)) Have a lovely evening yourself, hope to chat again soon. :))

    Kaneli: o.O Essie v LEKARNI?! Za 16 EVROV?! Sej niso normalni, prmejdunaj, da ne. 8 eur pa dejansko ni pretirano drago za essija, tu je 9€. Noja, evro, ampak vseeno.

    Biba, me veseli da ti je bilo všeč. :)) Hehe, saj meni se tudi velikokrat ne da, včasih me pa prime tipkati. :D Hehe, jaz povprečno pomoje dam enega na dan gor - pač nekaj dni ne, potem pa miljon, da nadoknadim. :D Preveč je lepih, uh. o.o

    Hvala za komentarje!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Super dolg post, take res rada berem, še posebej ko nimam kaj delati pa potem visim na blogih. x) Sama pa ne spravim toliko skupaj, večinoma zaradi tega, ker se z angleščino ne maram preveč. :D

    O ChG in Essie kolekcijah - Mene ni noben prepričal, ni nobene rozike zame. xD Itak samo še na pink padam. :S Party hearty pa je meni zelo zanimiv, nosila ga sicer ne bi, ampak res me spominja na božično jelko z rdečimi lučkami. :D

    Moja WL pa se tudi daljša in daljša....... :) Mislim, da ji nikoli ne bo konca, razen če zadam na loto, potem si pa vse od enkrat kupim. xD

    Hvala za tag, se lotim tega, takoj ko mi bo na fertik dolgčas, mislim, da imam za zraven še par nagradic, tako da upam, da spravim 1 post skupaj. :)
