Thursday, 18 November 2010

Opening bottles in stores?

 My lame attempt to do a topic related picture, be gentle. xD

Hey guys! I have another nail polish related theme for our chat that got me thinking the other day, when buying things for little somethin somethin to give to you (it's a slow proces, because I'm on a student budget, so I'm buying it piece by piece and thus buying it eeeearly :)): should I or should I not open the bottle to see if it has been opened before. Since I'm not buying it for myself, I shouldn't open it, right, but to give away a nasty neck, claiming it hasn't been opened, because someone else opened in the store, argh, it makes me nervous just thinking about it.

Because, you know, I could yell at this lady next to me opening every piece of make up she put her hands on, smelling the mascaras, wiping the brush and so on and i knew  if she got her hands on those nail polish bottles, they have necks dirty as if I put them through 15 manicures already. Once we went shopping and a friend of mine opened a bottle and wiped the brush on the neck so a drop of polish was on the outer side of the neck. Poor thing got such a nasty look by me, telling him off, I hope he wasn't offended ... he didn't mean anything bad by it, he just thought that's the only way to see the colour of the polish. 

And now I'm asking you - do you open the bottles to see the polish inside, or do you look only at the bottles? For me, it's swatches first (if they exist), then buying the polish without opening it or just buying if i like it in the bottle. It's not like it's any different on the brush as it is in the bottle, it can still look like crap on the nails - or really surprise you with the second coat. :) The only thing I do, and I don't feel bad about it is, that I open it carefully (!!), not touching the neck with the brush, to see if anyone wiped the brush already. Because I'd *freak out* if I got (by chance a very expensive one) polish home, open it and saw that the handle is practicaly glued to the neck because it has been opened so many times. I mean, yeah, maybe it's a bit of overreacting, since nail-polish is someting that lasts for ages, but hey, if I buy it, I want it clean and not used before, unless I know it has been used (like for swatching or something). I don't mind getting used nail-polish, because it's not really a tooth-brush, is it, but if I know that before I buy/get it. You know what I mean? I'm all for swaping and exchanging nail-polish, it's a very changable thing, but I don't really like buying used bottles in a store without anyone letting me know they've been used.

So yeah, basically, I'm just wondering, do you have a habit of opening the bottles in the stores or not? :) And would you mind getting a nail-polish in a swap on a giveaway if it has been used before, maybe only for a nail or two or a manicure or two? Of course, if you knew that before getting it. :) I don't think anyone would be particularly happy if they just got opened bottles, without anyone saying a thing.

I'm posting this as the last post of the week, I really doubt I'll have the time to post anything tomorrow, I'm abroad 'till Sunday. Me and 3 of my friends will have a lil' party weekend to celebrate a project that we  successfully carried out during the summer (yeah, it's been months, we just didn't find the time) and so you'll get a bit of rest from me. ;)

To let you know about my blog plans - I have a couple comparisons planned, Zoya vs. Orly (judging by the bottles, I have a 100% dupe of Out Of This World in Zoya's Julianne), SpaRitual vs. Orly (Optical Illusion - It's Not Rocket Science), I need to find out if I need to buy Halley's Comet due to Essence's brush in Choose me! bottle, and I fear Choose me! is more blue than Halley's Comet, so I'll have to compare them, and finally Orly vs. China Glaze (Glam -Ruby Pumps). Other than that I'm enjoying trying out my Project Latvia polishes, by poll I'll get DS tapestery and Nubar Indigo Illusion next week, yay! After the poll polishes, I still have to decide, whether I'd try the rest of SpaRitual or go through my untired nail-polish, it's around 15 bottles or more by now and I feel bad every time I look at that pile.
If you have any special wishes let me know. :)

Oh, my manicure for the weekend, just a quick shot I did today. The gorgeous Wagon Trail, one of my favourites in my collection.

And chat away! :) Thanks for reading, have a nice weekend!!


  1. I never open polishes and any makeup or other cosmetics. I look only on the polish in the bottle:-)

  2. Vem kaj misliš...Meni gredo tudi kocine pokonci, če pridem domov in vidim, da je bil izdelek že uporabljen :S Ampak kaj čem, zamižim na eno oko!

    Drugače pa ne odpiram lakov, ponavadi vzamem kakega iz zadnje vrste, ki ga še niso dosegli :)

  3. Obožavam wagon trail iako ga još nisam nabavila :-)
    Ne otvaram bočice u trgovini ali sam jednom donijela kući lak skoro trećinu istrošen i puknutog čepa...da sam ga bar otvorila u trgovini i to vidjela :-(

  4. Unless it's in my basked to be purchased I never open bottles of polish at the store any more than I would a bottle of milk at put it back.

    Love Wagon Trail. Don't know what I was thinking when I didn't buy it. I need to fix that.

  5. Nimam nič proti swapanju rabljenih lakov, če so še v popolni kondiciji, zakaj pa ne? :)

    V trgovini lakov ne odpiram, vedno pogledam le flaško, ponavadi pa itak točno vem, katerega bom vzela, ko pregledam razne swatche. Bi bilo pa res smiselno previdno pogledat vrat, ker znajo biti stojala čisto popleskana z laki, ko jih testirajo vsepovprek. Dobra ideja! Bom bolj pozorna na to v bodoče. :)

  6. I opened bottles maybe just a couple of times, carefully as you described, but usually I don't.

    If I'm interested in a particular colour and want to buy it, I choose a bottle which is behind the first row(s), they're often immaculate as people usually mess up the front ones >:¬D

  7. Nikoli ne odpiram stekleničk lakov - pri drugi kozmetiki so pa ponavadi na voljo testerji. :P Ne maram ljudi, ki odpirajo ne-testerje. >:/

  8. Tudi jaz ne odpiram produktov v trgovini razen če ga imam v košarici in ga bom vzela. Običajno pa vzamem zadnji izdelek v vrsti in upam da ga ni nihče odpiral :)

  9. ne otvaram lakove i osudjujem ljude koji to rade, zaboga bocice su prozirne, nije da lak kameleonski promijeni boju kad otvoris bocicu, rado bih da u trgovinama bolje paze na to, ali ne nadam se tome u skoroj buducnosti

  10. Tale stavek je svetoven: "should I or should I not open the bottle to see if it has been opened before" :D In potem odpres neodprto flasko in je odprta? ;)

    Meni nikoli niti na misel ni prislo, da bi odprla lak. Prvic sploh slisim, da folk to dela. Imam pa navado jemati vse zadeve: eyelinerje, lake, korektorje itd. nekje iz zadnje strani police, nikoli ne vzamem tistih spredaj. Pa deodorante ali parfume ponavadi potezkam (ce ni testerjev, da bi jih folk uporabljal).

  11. Thanks for your opinions, ladies! :) And yeah, I agree, I hate to open the bottles in store too, but Nail Crazy described the reason why I sometimes do.

    And as it seems, we all have the habit of taking the last bottles in the row, hehehe. ;)

    Thank you for the comments!

  12. Ne otvaram lakove u trgovini, ali dobro ispregledam bočicu sa svih strana.

    I ne bi imala ništa protiv dobiti već korišteni lak u swapu, ni da je jednom ili više puta korišten nemam problema s tim. Kao što si i sama rekla nije to četkica za zube.

  13. Jaz se ponavadi kar pripravim na nakup, to pomeni da si v glavi naredim spisek odtenkov, ki sem jih prej pogledala na netu in potem če so mi v živo všeč jih kupim (včasi prinesem tudi kaj nepričakovanega domov ;).
    Nikoli ne odpiram stekleničk in ne prenašam ljudi, ki to počnejo. Ravno prejšnji teden sem bila spet u šopingu in lahko si predstavljaš ko sem doma odprla lak in videla da so ščetine čist polomljene in sem imela velike probleme z nanašanjem, zaradi tega ga moram sedaj preliti v eno prazno stekleničko in samo upam lahko, da ga ne bom preveč polila!!!
