Sunday, 19 December 2010

Comparison: Jessica - Shall We Dance vs. Zoya - Isla

Hello everybody! How are you doing? I opened my blog with the greatest surprise from my new followers, welcome everybody! I think it's a record, three in one day. :) I'd really like to thank everybody, for your time and comments, I *love* your comments, hearing your opinions on colours that I'm wearing. :) Today I have another comparison for you. The moment I put on the gorgeous Jessica, I knew it look too familiar. And I searched for my Zoya Isla. It's my first Zoya, and it's still one of my favourite reds ever. From the bottles they looked exactly the same, let's check the swatches too.

Tadaam, we have 100% dupes! It's impossible to tell one from the other. Forgive me for dusty swatches, lately I'm having trouble with dust all around the house, probably from the heating or I don't know what ... sometimes it gets on my fresh polish, and that's when Ulmiel goes nuts. :) But anyway, these two are exactly the same, both two coaters, both same amount of pigmentation on both coats, they both dry extremely fast, you don't need TC for either of them. They really don't have any special distinguishing characteristic on the polish itself. The only difference is in brands and their brush, but I love both of them. I had no trouble whatsoever, with neither of them. Price? In Slovenia Jessica is cheaper by two euros or three, depends on where you buy your Zoya, so we're talking about 10€ per Jessica bottle and 12-13€ per Zoya bottle. Needless to say you can get them cheaper online. So mainly it depends on your liking of the brush, I guess. :) 

Don't buy one if you have the other. ;) Hope this was helpful!

Thank you for reading!


  1. Islo imam že kar dolgo časa na WL. Eden bo moram postati moj! Muahahahaha :D

  2. Biba, haha :)
    Kako se ta dva razlikujeta od OPIja An affair in red square?

  3. A ako su potpuno isti onda bolje uzet onaj jeftiniji :)

  4. Sylvia, you're welcome, I'm glad you liked it! :)

    Biba, hehehe, kar, odtenek je vreden cekinov. :D

    Katkoc, nimam ga doma, bom vprašala Tevto, če ga ima morda ona. Po swatchih sodeč je AAIRS precej svetlejši in ima drugačen shimmer.

    Lendoxia, kad je razlika u samo 2 €, onda radije pogledam četku. :)

  5. Super primerjava=), zaj mi očitno res ne presotane nič drugaga, kot da dam enega na WL in upam ,da mi ga katera amreičanka pošlje v swapu, ampak seveda morem najprej še eno najt, ki je pripravljena na swap *blush*

  6. Jako lijepo izgleda i jedan i drugi lak.. ali ne čujem iz bočice: Lalice kupi me.. kupi me..

  7. ali ja nemam ni jednog ni drugog...šta sad?

  8. Res lepa rdečkota. Prečudovit rdečko od Jessice je Cinderella Red. ;)

  9. Alluring_mum, yeah, they are,you can choose your favourite. :))

    colofulbottle, tako je morda še najbolje, ker sta obe firmi v USA seveda precej cenejši. Upam da ti uspe! :)

    Lalica, hehe, ma, nije to loše, ima puno drugih koji viće za tobom kad zatvoriš koji nail blog. ;)

    nail crazy, izaberi jednog i kupi ga, ako se ti sviđa boja! :D

    Maestra, verjamem, si bom morala kar naresti listo za Jessico, bo še najbolje. :D

    Hvala za komentarje!/Thanks for the comments!
