Tuesday, 14 December 2010

SpaRitual - Can You Dig It?

Heeello everybody! I see some major love for CG crackles, I feel you, ladies, I can hardly wait for them myself. :) It looks like a great start of 2011 for CG. :) But until then - I have only 8 Latvia polish bottles to show you! Let's see another SpaRitual, and ladies, this one I like! It's a 100% autum beauty. 

Can You Dig It? is a beautful dark purple based colour with copper shimmer that is so dense, you almost get frosty finish. If you enlarge the pictures, you'll see the base colour more clearly, sadly 3 coats really hide it well, with two it's much more obvious, but as you know, for me SpaRitual is a total 3 coater. Still, on the nail purple is visible, especially on the edges and with the shimmer combinaition it makes a killer shade for Fall. This screams to me forest colours of Fall. I really like it. Yep, the second SpaRitual I really like in the stash, yay! Still, I wish they'd apply more nicely, I hate how hard it is to even the layers. Do you have the same problems, or do you manage to get two coats out of SpaRitual? I dunno, man, if I only had problems with one, i'd say I had a bad day, but now it's the sixth bottle and still same crap. I guess I'm just not for their brush or something. 

What do you think about Can You Dig It? Like it, or would you call "Fall" colour some different shade?

Thank you for reading & have a nice evening!


  1. Can you dig it? Yes, I can! :D

    Lep je!

  2. whoo very pretty! I will buy some sparituals soon, maybe this one too?:>

  3. Lak je sicer lep, ampak ni moja barva... kombinacija rjava/zlata mi nekako ne potegne, pa čeprav naj bi bil tudi vijoličast. :P

  4. ajme krasan je...baš jesenska boja(iako je vani hladno k'o da je zima brrrrrrrrrr) :-)

  5. Rachel Marie, I agree!

    Biba, hehehe :D

    Sabbatha, yeah, it's a nice one! But I'm loving Imagine collection by Sparitual more than any other. :)

    Kaneli, je vijoličast, čeprav se slabše vidi na slikah. Saj sem napisala, trije sloji žal vijolično bazo že dokaj prekrijejo.

    nail crazy, da, i meni se je cinilo smijesno, da sad kad imamo -10 stupnjeva i snijeg ja slikam samo jesenske boje. :D

    Hvala za komentarje!/Thanks for the comments!

  6. mozda je do mog monitora, ali ja bas i ne vidim tu neku ljubicastu nijansu, ali lijep je i ovako kao ga vidim :)

  7. Potem je mogoce vijola v enakem smislu kot Purple Gray od Models Own (smisel, odtenek je cist drug, hehe)... pravkar sem ga nabavila in mi tudi rahlo vlece na rjavo. :D

  8. Huh, ta pa ni čisto moja barva, ali pa pač trenutno nisem v takšni rjavo-zlati fazi.

  9. Lendoxia & kaneli, sad ću još jednom poslikat i samo sa jednim i dvima slojema, da pokažem ljubičasto nianso. :)

    Maestra, je nekaj posebnega, ja, tudi meni ni čisto jasno, zakaj mi je všeč, ampak je res zelo jesenska, verjetno zato. :)

    Hvala za komentarje!
