Monday 20 December 2010

SpaRitual - Surreal

Hey everyone! How was your beginning of the week? Today I have a quick post for you, my aunt is in the town, and, although I thought it will be strange, not seeing her for so long, I'm actually glad she's here, it brings back some quite lovely memories from my childhood. So I think it's going to be really nice. I'm doing lunch right now, that's why I have a few minutes to write this down, while everything is still in the oven and it's too soon to prepare the salad. ;) It's the last SpaRitual I have, and I thought I'll save it as the best for last, but beauty as it is, it didn't surpass Mood, at least not in my book. Let's have a look at Surreal.

 Flash photo, because I couldn't get the shimmer out of the nail.

 Both of these are taken on direct sunlight, and I think the pictures don't do justice to Surreal on direct sunlight,  it's very neat when you look at it in such a strong lighting.

Can you believe I managed to get two coats out of SpaRitual?? Yay me! So for the first time, two coater for me too, extremely well pigmented, although that comes with a price - this baby stains! A lot! As you can see on my ring finger, every mistake costs you greatly, because you simply can repare it without visible mark. Also when you remove it, it's a whooole new drama. I still have stains on some of my fingers (note: I changed a lot of polish on my nails today. Don't ask, I don't know, every once in a while I get into this phase where nothing suits me), and it's really annoying part of Surreal.

Now to the colour. Every time a bottle promises something, that I don't get visible on the nail, I feel cheated. Sadly, this one is the same. Bottle holds this amazing shimmer, that got me drooling the moment I saw it, and yet, it's hardly visible on the nail. And with hardly, I really mean hardly. With very strong light, when you move your fingers and look at your nails very closely. Otherwise not at all, it looks like a blackend blue creme. I struggled with swatches, just to show you at least a bit of this shimmer, taking tons of lightbox pictures, flash pictures, and since I got lucky with sun today, also sunlight pictures. And this is as best as you can get with this shimmer. The very best and noticable. I must add, this is a stunner on the sunlight. The blue comes out a bit stronger and it's just gorgeous. Usually it's on the verge of being too dark to be called blue. You catch a hint of blue even in not so strong light, but with soft light it will turn to black. Kinda like Jessica Divine Pine, with the con of blue being closer to black than green ergo you notice it even harder. And so my expectations for Surreal were a bit high and not met when I put it on my nails. That said, I still think it's a beautiful shade of blue, that's stunning in the right lighting. But personally I rather wear blues that are blue most of the time or all the time even, with Lativa project quite a few like these were shown, and I think those are the winners.

What do you think about Surreal, to blackened for you or ney?

Ok, now I really must run. Have a nice week, and thank you for reading!


  1. I always get so frustrated when they blacken a color til it is black. Why not just make a black instead of teasing with invisible shimmer...

  2. I love this color. Dark blues are a winter color to me. Reminds me of the color I just posted actually haha :)

  3. Prelep je. Temno modri laki so mi zelo všeč.

  4. Ta je lep. Zadnje čase so mi ful všeč temni odtenki. Trenutno imam na nohtih rdečega in mi je kar malo čudno, po toliko temnih manikurah :)

  5. Hmmm... zadnje čase nosim ali nekaj temnega ali bleščičastega na nohtih,ampak tale me ni popolnoma prepričala.
    V moji zbirki je zero SpaRitual lakov. A so večinoma manj pigmentirani? Stekleničke so mi luštne, čeprav imam za shranjevanje 100x raje oglate in ne teh trebušastih. LOL

  6. Scandalous, welcome to my blog! And I agree with you 100%! I actually started to avoid such colours, I always feel left-down when I put it on my nails and I have to look throught the effing microscope to find the shimmer.

    Rachel Marie, you mean Dark Navy? Yeah, that one is neat, and they do look alike, actually!

    nail crazy, sviđa mi se, da se ti sviđa. :D

    Taya, hvala! :)

    Goga, ja, pride tako obdobje. Jaz imam zdajle obdobje sparkly sparkly sparkles in bom morala nekaj storiti glede tega, ker jih imam doma in kar čakajo, da končam z latvijski lakci, hm hm!

    Maestra, točno ta občutek pusti Surreal ... zgleda fantasična barva, ampak nekaj vseeno manjka.
    Kar se tiče pigmentiranosti mislim, da so vsi dvoslojci, po tem kriteriju, ampak jaz imam prevelike nohte zanje in moram naresti tri sloje, ker imam sicer lisast nanos. Če se prav spomnim, imaš mičkene nohte, ker si že pravila, da ti OPIjevi čopiči ne ustrezajo zaradi širine? Potem bi ti verjetno SpaRitual ustrezali, kolegici z ozkimi nohti so sanjski glede čopiča, so ji pa npr. Kinetics obupni, ki imajo širši, ploščat čopič, ki meni tako ustreza. :D

    Hvala za komentarje!/Thank you for the comments!

  7. OK, zdaj razumem. Jap, imam manjše (in krajše) nohte, edino palec je dokaj velik in širok. :D No, morda pa kdaj sprobam kakšnega SpaRitualčka.
    Hvala za odgovor. ;)
