Evening ladies! I feel like writing another one, this one being my NOTD for the next day or so. Don't expect Valentine inspired mani from me, it's one of my least favourite holidays and I never celebrate it. So tomorrow on my nails gorgeous greyed green I picked up in Tevta's helmer. Wha? No shoebox? Helmer? Yes. As she's beginning the process of moving to a new flat, she brought me her helmer with most of her polish collection. I must say, and I have already told her, today, as I went through the drawers admiring her collection (just to name the few that got my gasping for air: MAC Blue India, few bottles of Ozotic Pro, Illamasqua Hectic, Zoya Midori and hundreds of others, that I never even heard of) it hit me that for giving someone something as big for a nail polish junkie, that shows a very decent amount of trust one has for the other person. Especially since we all know how nail polish freaks feel about nail polish and especially since Tevta has some VHTG bottles in there. Maybe it sounds silly, but I felt honoured.
As for my today's mani, I must say Sundays are not my best days for changing colour of my nails. I don't like anything in the bottles and I'm not sure about colour after I put it on my nails. Thus, I sometimes change way too many colours on my nails and in the end i'm already so sick of it, i grab the first one and put it on. I was pretty sure I'll try Orbis Non Sufficit soon, because I skipped it the time I got shoeboxed with RBL and I really adore the colour, so I have it a go. No, it's not mine, I don't own a single RBL, but I adore their quality. As soon as I put it on it looked insanely familliar. So I pulled out my MUF 123 and did a quick comparison.
Make Up Factory 123 is on my ring finger, all the others are Orbis Non Sufficit!
In the bottles the difference is much more obvious, that's why i didn't think of comparing them.
Very strong light, where the difference is more obvious. MUF is more greyed.
A very soft light, as you can see, here the difference is almost non-existant.
The only way I could bring out the colour difference to the maximum is with good ol' flash. So on flash picture you can really see that MUF is a level or two more greyed than Orbis Non Sufficit.
I couldn't do a soft everyday light picture to save my life, because my camera doesn't work on that conditions without a major pay raise. As for natural lighting I don't see the point of waiting, lightbox has proven to be a very good substitute for that.
Other info: Orbis Non Sufficit is a gorgeous shade of perfect Rescue Beauty Lounge and is a part of Fall 2009 Blogger Created Collection and in my humble opinion the best one out of the bunch, although entire collection is beautiful. Rescue Beauty Lounge has flawless formula and brush, really one of the best brands for nail polish out there. So it's killing me it's so hard to get to it from Europe. They're pricey, but they really bring it for this price. Orbis Non Sufficit could easily be a one coater, I did two just because I'm as clumsy as they get and because I'm used to put at least two coats.
I have no idea about Make Up Factory 123. No info on any collection, if it's a part of one, but it's not as richly pigmented as RBL is, although it is a two coater, so no biggie. Also a great brush, and also a pricey brand.
Both dry fast enough you don't need TC and both are extremely glossy, as you can see, I don't think I ever saw my camera in the nails before.
Both are beautiful colours, obviously, but not dupes, as MUF is more greyed green than Orbis Non Sufficit, but you won't see that unless standing on a very strong light and really focusing on your nails! But the difference is there and I think nail polish junikes will notice it after close examination.
When it comes to quality, RBL wins, as it probably is one of the best out there, although MUF is of very good quality too. Both pricey but MUF is by far easier to get in Slovenia and Europe, not to mention it's now 50% off in Müllers!!! So if it's close enough for you and you're craving ONS, get it get it get it!
As for me ... well, as I'm looking at my nails right now in the yellow artificial light of our office/guest room I basically don't see the difference, I just know it's there. In the daylight I could probably spot the diffrence, but then again, I have hawk's eyes when it comes to polish, especially green ones.
But, as Orbis Non Sufficit is sold out and it got out-voted by Ji's action to get some colours back (right now I feel heart broken for I saw that I missed Bruised and Purple Haze AGAIN :(() I believe Make Up Factory is an excellent substitute for it, especially now when it's gone from 8,50€ to 4,25€. I just hope this is due to changing of bottle shape and they're not discontinuing it! But frankly, if somebody would ask me if I wanted a bottle of Orbis Non Sufficit, i'd jump of joy so I definitively wouldn't mind having both, especially due to amazing quality of RBL polish. Then again, I'm a green polish junkie and these greyed green are one of my favourite shades of green.
What do you think about the comparison? Is ONS one of your lemmings too, do you think MUF is good enought substitute to kill it?
Thank you for reading!
Super primerjava, za mene bi bil pomoje eden dovolj =), ampak seveda vem da se ti nebi branila obeh =). Barva je kr zanimiva, se kr vidim da bi jo nosila =). Razlika med njima pa meni ni tako zelo opazna, mogoče edino v stekleničkah in na zadnji sliki, ampak js sm itak slepa za barve, začuda jih pa znam kombinirat =)))) ( vsaj upam)
ReplyDeleteTvoje dive pa tud kr blestijo =)
Great comparison!
ReplyDeleteOoooooo, kakšen lep začetek dneva! :D Hvala za to primerjavo! ONS sem si želela, od prvega dne, ko sem ga videla, ampak ker je RBL lake dokaj težko dobiti, ga seveda nimam. :( In zdaj sem presrečna, ker mu je MUFko tako zelo podoben! Juhej! Ampak ja ... tudi jaz se ne bi branila lepe zelene RBL stekleničke ... <3
ReplyDeleteMadoniš mam srečo! Tale post preberem, letim v Miler kjer so bili samo še trije laki - dva totalno grda odtenka in pa ena 123ka. Itak da je šel z mano. Sem pa opazila tudi stojalo v viola odtenkih v kvadratnih flaškah - tako da zgleda res menjajo embalažo =)
ReplyDeletecolorfulbottle, ja, saj je MUF zelo fajn približek RBL. Imam srečo, da sem ga dobila od Maestre. :D
ReplyDeleteKarenD, thank you!
Maestra, ane! Mene je tudi prav v dobro voljo spravilo dejstvo, da imam tako fin približek RBLju. Sploh, ker je ta eden mojih največjih lemmingov od te firme. In ja, cena je čisto previsoka, preden ga dobiš, je pa tako že toliko živcev, da ne vem no ... škoda, da Ji ne odpre ene trgovinice nekje v Evropi, grem stavit, da bi bila popoln uspeh. Še enkrat ti hvala za stekleničko čisto mojega mufka. :)
teycha, super, da si ga dobila!! :) In ja, res upam, da samo menjajo embalažo in da se bo vrnil!
Hvala za vse komentarje!/Thank you for the comments!