Monday, 21 February 2011

Illamasqua week - Hectic

Hello darlings! How are you doing? It's the first day of Illamasqua week! Hectic Monday. :) It was rather hectic, but I got an awesome package too. More about that next week, now it's all about Illamasqua.

As you know, I got Tevta's helmer, and she has 6 Illamasquas. One is the same as Illamasqua in my stash, so all in all we got 6 Illamasquas for the week. Today I have for you one of my biggest lemmings of my entire WL, let alone Illamasqua. It's a part of my Holy Trinity of Illamasqua, constisting also of Phallic and Rampage. And having this on my nails, I realised I just have to have it. It's so beautiful it could make me cry. Hectic, in all it's beauty:

Softer light shows how incredibly glossy this polish is - you can almost see the label of my camera, not just the entire thing.

*dreamy sigh* Isn't Hectic so beautiful and hot and edgy? I love it. Love it love it love it. Other bloggers call this fugly, you know, being so ugly it's already beautiful. To me this mix up of army, olive, somethingsomethingsomething green is an utter perfection. I knew I'll love it.

Aaand this was 4 coats. Four?? Yes, four. I actually googled Hectic to see how many coats other nail polish bloggers got and in average they managed with three. Some actually wrote two is enough (with the third for final touch-ups) but I suspect they have really small and short nails and did thick layers. The one that claimed that got Hectic perfect in one coat is either lying or has miniature nails, like really miniature. I'd need to see a video of that manicure in the making to believe it's only one coat.

EDIT: Now that I've applied it again, I needed two coats, third only on few nails, for final touch-ups. My nails a bit shorter than on these pictures, but not nearly as shorter that I'd need only half of coats. So 4 coats is due to my clumsiness, not Illamasqua.

But anyway, i'm getting distracted - point is, I'm guessing you can get away with three coats, my nails are fairly wide and bit longer at this point and I used thin coats. But I do think this is 3-4 coater, as it does dry really jelly and you know how jellies are. Just look at how glossy this baby is! This is without top coat, people!! Gorgeous! <3 Frankly, for this colour and finish, I'd forgive it if it was a 6 coater, and 4 coats is no bigge for this effect, just like it's no biggie with Space Cadet or Bad Fairy. 

Brush is an utter perfection, man, you don't get application like that often. I could do it drunk as hell with one of my eyes closed and standing on one leg, seriously. Illamasqua has perfect brush. It dries really fast, especially for 4 coats on the nail, it was dry like in half an hour, or until my show finished anyway. 

I didn't find any info on Hectic being a part of a collection, please let me know if it is. As you can see, I seriously love Hectic. I mean seriously love it. One of my biggest lemmings, and now I want it even more.
I'll fall to my knees and weep the day I get my own bottle.

What do you think of Hectic Monday?

Thank you for reading! :*


  1. I like it! It looka like a really awesome color :) I'm looking forward to see the rest of the polishes for this Illamasqua week :D

  2. I have this and it IS so worth having.

  3. zanimljiva bojica, krasno izgleda na tvojim noktima... ali opet, na tvojim noktima svaka boja mi je lijepa :-)

  4. Oh dear.. If there's ONE Illamasqua I've been incredibly tempted by, it's Hectic. I would've already put it into the cart, if it wasn't for the fact it might be a 4-coater - I have one 4-coater and it takes a truly special polish for me to be willing to use 4 coats... Seeing your pics, I don't know how long I can resist! If I buy this, I'll blame it on your Hectic Monday! :P

  5. Your nails look AWESOME !
    Xx. S

  6. I'm not sure if I could pull of a colour like this, but you sure can! Your nails are gorgeous =)

  7. Thank you everybody, for the compliments and comments! Glad you liked it!

    @Jette Fromm, maybe it would work as a three coater for you! I do think Hectic is good enough colour to suffer 4 coats, but that's just me. :)

  8. I love murky colors like this. Soooo pretty.

  9. Ooooo res lep! Si kar predstavljam še rdečo šminko zraven, potem pa padem dol :) btw, bo Raindrops tudi na vrsti? ;)

  10. Ulmiel, I put it in my cart on Illamasquas shop but bailed in the last moment.. It did hurt to press cancel, so maybe I should just go for it! It does look absolutely divine on you <3

  11. Barva je prečudovita!!! <3 Zame so dovolj trije sloji, morda pridem čez celo z dvema, a sigurno ne na vseh nohtih (in drugi sloj delam vedno malo debelejši). Jaz sem bila razočarana, ko sem ga kupila. Razočarana, ker je tako voden in ne zaradi odtenka. In vsi so tako hvalili Illamasqua lake. No, tega sigurno ni za pohvaliti, kar se tiče prekrivnosti. Odtenek je pa krasen!

  12. Lola, me too, I adore them!

    Hrca, nič ne povem. ;) Ampak ja, Hectic je popoln.

    Jette Fromm, darling, I think you just have to buy it. :D If you won't like it, we can arrange a swap. ;)

    Maestra, ja, glede na ceno, je nanos kar malce zahteven. Jaz mu oprostim, ker je za zjokat popolna barva. Ampak če mi barva ne bi bila tako noro všeč, bi gotovo zavijala z očmi zaradi 4 plasti. Ampak pri večini drugih barv se Illamasqua kar izkaže kot dvoslojec.

    Hvala za komentarje! Thanks for the comments!

  13. Ulmiel, I'll definitely give it a try as soon as funds allow it :) I'd love to do a swap with you if it happens to disappoint.

  14. Lindo!!!

    Very Beautiful!!!


  15. As a HUGE Illamasqua fan I must say that Hectic is one of my faves. The color is so "in your face odd" and I just adore it.
    Very surprised to hear it was a four coater for you though. I have it and have worn it many times and it's a definite one/two coater for me, as are all my Illamasqua polishes - that is the reason I'm so blown away by their quality.
    Looks great on you!


  16. Jette, it's a deal! :)

    BellasUnhaseCia, thank you! :)

    Lol, I know, I was surprised by four coats too. But my nails are pretty wide and now I have them longer than usual, so perhaps it's due to those facts. Or I was just clumsy. I'm thinking about redoing Hectic, to make sure it wasn't just a bad day. But like I said, for this colour and finish, I don't really care if it's a 4 coater, it's perfect! :) Thanks for stopping by!
