Friday, 18 February 2011

S-he 376

Hello everybody! How are you doing? I'm really getting excited about the Illamasqua week, so I think it will happen next week, as I can't wait to try these babies! :) Not that I need any more Illamasqua bottles on my WL, lol. But anyway! A quick one today, as I'm late for a cup of coffee and a buttload of chat with my girlfriends. :) 

As it happens, this S-he was a NY's gift from one of them (thanks, dear :*). It's a beautiful purple one with lots of hidden shimmer, but I hate my application for this mani. I was so clumsy on my ring finger, forgive me. This one is a bit older, as you can see by my nails, that are quite longer than my current lenght.


I always say S-he is underestimated by quite a few people. They have some amazing shades, seriously, people, for only 1,95€ for 11 ml! Brush never gives me troubles, application on this one is due to me being clumsy not weird brush. I do think one can have a decent collection of nail polish consisting only of S-he. They have all the colours, tons of different finish, including holographic polish ... frankly, the only thing I'm missing in their department is a duochrome. So yeah, I like S-he, quite a lot. Try them, if you haven't already! 

What do you think about this purple, S-he 376?

Thank you for reading!


  1. :) Gorgeous polish. I wish we had this brand here, it sounds great!

  2. I love S-he nail polishes! And this one is really beauty! it look good on your beautiful nails!

  3. predobra boja!
    ne znam je li to do svjetla u trgovini ili... kad gledam lakove na polici nijedan me ne impresionira, onda vidim swatch i poludim jer ga nisam kupila :-/

  4. Lep je. Čudno, da ga še nisem kupila, ker je moja barva. :)
    Glede S-he lakov pa se čisto strinjam s tabo. Tudi mene zelo navdušujejo. :)

  5. hm imam vec neke ljubicaste njihove al ovaj nisam vidjela, lijep je :)

  6. Ljubičasto.. divno :)))

    Ja imam problem s tim S-he lakovima, toliko dobrih swatcheva sam vidjela, ali meni nije jasno gdje ti lakovi stoje kad dođem u DM jer ja tako dobre stvari ne nađem. Morat ću ih malo bolje pogledat sljedeći put.

  7. Rachel Marie, don't worry, you have lots and lots of others to choose from, more than us. :D I'm sure you can find a dupe, it's not a terribly unique colour.

    alluring_mum & Anna: Thank you!

    nail crazy i Lalica: kod S-heja stvarno se isplati prvo pogledati swatchove, pošto boćice ćesto varaju. Recimo onaj crveni sa glitterom kojeg sam već stavila na blog izgleda u boćici smeđe boje. A jedan ljubičasti ispao je na noktu tranasparentan sa maaalo ljubičastog sijaja. Tako da najbolje naći neko dobru bazu S-he lakova na internetu. Ili imati malo sreće. :)

    Thanks for the comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  8. Que lindo...
    Esse esmalte é perfeito!!

  9. jeeej, ljubicasta :)
    koliko si slojeva stavila?

    moram priznat da sam puna predrasuda prema s-he lakovima, imam 469 zeleni, fenomenalno izgleda u bocici, ali je preproziran na noktima. nisam jos imala vremena da vidim koliko je slojeva potrebno za dobro prekrivanje.

    imam jos i 427 holo, ali ne volim rozu boju, moram se malo igrat s layeringom ili probat frankenat nesto :)

  10. I've had the pleasure of owning a few S-he lacquers and this one I don't own and is absolutely beautiful.

  11. I love it! On your nails and photos, even the old purple She looks amazing!

  12. Really beautiful color! I love this purple shade!

  13. I have this color at home and its beautifull..and I agree with you...this brand in underestimated....:)

  14. BellasUnhaseCia: thank you, dear!

    Abigail, ovaj je bio 2 slojeva, evo, zaboravila napisat u postu nešto osnovno, jao. Al da, 469, jedan mojih najdražih S-he, treba 3-4 slojeva, al je jedini od svih Sheja kojih imam, da nije samo dvo slojac. Pošto stvarno volim ovo zelenu i navikla sam na tri ili 4 slojeva, nije mi preteško. :D Mislim isto za 427, dobila sam ga sad u giveawayju, tako da ga isprobam samog a onda možda stavim nešto ljubičasto unutra. ;)

    Lacquer Ware for Tips and Toes, it is, isn't it? S-he can surprise you with some divine colours.

    Stickers, thank you! :)

    Markett, me too!

    Pink_Diamond, yes, I really think that's the case, that's the picture I got from reading some beauty forums. Pitty, they don't know what they're missing. ;)

    Thank you for all your comments!
