Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Hema 08

Evening darlings! How are you doing? It was a great day today, even with all of this raining. And even with Crackle Glaze being out of stock on transdesign mere minutes after notification that it's available! What the hell? I know people couldn't buy them all in 2 minutes! I hope they bring them back. With the same price, thankyouverymuch. 

Another question. Would you be interested in a week of Illamasqua? 6 days, actually. Why? Because Tevta has 5 of them, besides Rampage that we both have, and only one of them is on my WL and I'm really curious about the others, how do they look. Why not make it a theme on the blog then? :) 

I have the last Hema today in my pile of untrieds (that really got smaller already!) for you, this one not metallic, but with a number, eight. 

It came out too blue on my pictures, so I just adjusted the colours a bit, I took a wee bit of blue out, that's why my fingers look a tad bit more yellow than usual. But the colour is now accurate! This is a three coater, quite beautiful purple, but I have a feeling we've seen a million of these already. At least I felt like that while wearing it, not that I could remember any that looked similar per se. Do you have any suggestions? 
Application was wonderful, again, I put SV on top because it was really late and I didn't want sheet prints on my nails. 

What do you think? Tell me also about Illamasqua almost-week, if it sounds fun enough for you to do it. :)

Thank you for reading!


  1. This color is very beautiful!!!
    Visit my blog and became follower! :)

  2. Love the color.
    And you have a beautiful nails and perfect aplication!

  3. Nešto po mom guštu.. savršeno!!!!!

  4. Such a beautiful colour, my nails never seem to suit purples.

  5. Mogoče veš za kakšnega dvojnika tega odtenka? Je namreč res lep in takega menda še nimam. :P Hema se tule ne dobi.

  6. Krasna barva. Tudi mene zanima, če obstaja kak dvojnik temu laku.
    Illamasqua teden? Po moje bi bilo zanimivo. :)

  7. O, ja, bring on the Illamasqua week!

  8. krasna boja ... a illamasqua-u samo daj!

  9. Thank you everyone, for the lovely compliments!!

    Kaneli & Taya, ne vem ... samo znano mi zgleda. :( Vem, da nisem nič v pomoč, ampak ko sem ga nosila, mi je deloval znano. Zna biti, da me je spomnil zgolj zaradi Poison me, posion you, ki ima podoben shimmer, vendar je temnejši. Hm ... morda Zoya - June? Takole po slikah ... hm hm ... ne vem.
