Heya people! Today I want to show you my newest crush. I've already talked about Absolutely Alice in my posts about special hauls. I got it with major help from the lovely Nola (Hedonism, Limited blog, check her gorgeous nails out!) and in that post one of my lovely readers, AngieP, suggested I do a comparison with Dorothy Who? from China Glaze. Actually, she was wondering how close they get and since I wondered that myself and I have Tevta's Dorothy Who? at home, I said lets put them nail to nail.
What I thought it will be a comparison post it ended up as an accent mani (Dorothy Who? is on my ring finger only), so this post is picture heavy. I did pictures from 1 to 4 coats and then a few with final mani. Hope you'll enjoy it, I'll talk more about them after the pictures. I put the final mani first, then the comparison pictures after the bottle shot. I also did a video, but after trying a few times I'm giving up on blogger, it just won't upload the damn thing for some reason. If you'd still like to see it, let me know in the comments, I'll try to put it on again later.
I suggest you enlarge this one, the last two nails are a bit blurry and they show the differences beautifuly. Plus, I love the photo. :)
Direct sunlight really kills the differences between the two and it also kills most of their beauty IMO.
Comparison pictures:
At this point I needed to hold something in my hand because I knew I wouldnt' distinguish the 4 coats from 3.
Still with me after all the photos? Trust me, this is the lowest number I can make myself to post. I am simply in love with Absolutely Alice. It turns out to be so much more than what I expected, and I expected A LOT, seriously!
The info:
Absolutely Alice is from the O.P.I. Alice In Wonderland Collection for Spring 2010, Dorothy Who is a part of legendary China Glaze collection Wizard Of Ooh Ahz, that got rereleased in year 2009, originally it was released in 2001.
They both need 3 coats. I have no idea how some bloggers got AA to be a two coater. Are my nails really that big? o.O Anyway ... I put the fourth one just so I covered the tips on AA completely but three will do. They both dry with texture, especially AA. I used two coats of TC on AA and one on DW and they are still rough, although DW is smoother.
Brushes are perfection, of course. China Glaze and O.P.I. get major love from me for their brushes, the application is always a bliss. They dry fast too, but you need to put TC on for smoothing purposes anyway.
How close they get? Well, on sunlight they get very close, because the sun kills the gold glitter in AA. But on normal lighting they are only sisters, related in facts they are both blue and both glitter polish. Otherwise they are very different. DW blue jelly base with silver glitter as main one, AA clear base glitter with brighter blue and gold glitter. It is quite obvious they're not the same, that's why I'm wearing it now as an accent mani.
They are both so utterly gorgeous! SO GORGEOUS! But, like I said, Absolutely Alice is the complete winner for me. I don't care about the bitchy removal or three coats or two coats of TC or even if I discover that it stains my nails. This is one of the colours that go into my section of "so beautiful it could make me cry". There aren't many in there, since this is a seriously seldom reaction from me. But Absolutely Alice does that. No wonder it's so hard to find.
What do you think? Are you a glitter fan, would you like to have them both or even have them both? Like I said, I'm in love with Absolutely Alice, but I surely wouldn't mind having Dorothy Who? too. I can't imagine removing it off my nails, it's been three days since I applied it and I'm not bored one bit. Plus the tip wear is minimal. Thanks again to Nola for all the help with getting a bottle of Alice and thanks to my dear Tevta for letting me play with her China Glaze collection!
Thank you for reading!
ful lep lak:) samo zahteva preveeeč nanosov:P to me odbija:) ampak verjetno je vredno:)
ReplyDeleteThey're very very similar!!
ReplyDeleteI love both!!
Nobenega se ne bi branila.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the post! :) You're right, they're sisters, but not twins :)
ReplyDeleteThey look great on you!!!
Krasna sta in oba ti ful pašeta. ♥ Moj lemming iz te kolekcije je bil definitivno MAAH tako, da do Alice sploh razmišljala nisem ampak saj ne vem če bi jo sploh nosila. :D
ReplyDeleteOj joj! Ovo je za layering dušu dalo!
ReplyDeleteMoram priznati da mi se China glaze više sviđa!
ja se stvarno ne mogu odlucit prekrasni su oba i mislim da su oba must have
ReplyDeletePre-prekrasan je... Neodoljiv!
ReplyDeleteZlat gliter je tisti, ki Alice naredi posebno! Imam samo Alice in nimam čisto nobene posebne želje po Dorothy. :) Zdaj si mi pa lušte naredila, da bi jo spet malo potegnila iz Helmerčka...
ReplyDeletekrašno i prekvašno, vooooolim :-D
ReplyDeletePink_diamond, pomoje ga moraš preizkusiti sama, da vidiš, koliko slojev potrebuješ. Scrangie je napisala, da je nanesla samo dva sloja, pa je imela praktično 100% prekrivnost, jaz malce goljufam s tremi. Ne vem, očitno imam ogromne nohte. :) Je pa vsekakor vredno. :)
ReplyDeleterock-or-not, me too!
Taya, hehe, ja, se strinjam. :) Čeprav mislim, da bom zdaj preživela brez Dorothy Who?.
AngieP, you're very welcome, I'm glad you like the post. :)
Ivana, hehe, se spomnim tvojega posta o MAAH, ja. Kaj pa vem, men tile raznobarvni glitterji niso kaj dost povšeči. Mogoče bi ga morala preizkusit.
Biberlee, da, sigurno je bolje ako staviš neku plavu boju za base boju, onda netreba stavit 3 slojeva. :)
Lendoxia, da, mislim da je najbolje ako imaš oba. :D
Just me and Hohner, slažem se. :)
Maestra, ja, mene je tudi zlat glitter čisto hipnotiziral v AA. :) Hehe, kar kar, pelji jo malo na sprehod, je prelepa da bi samo v helmerju čepela. :) Ampak vem kako je to, imam nekaj odtenkov, ki jih obožujem, pa ne pridejo sploh na vrsto ... samo v zadnjih dveh tednih sem dobila 50 lakov ... ne pridem na čisto nulo z nesprobančki.
nail crazy, lol, prekvašno. :D
Hvala za komentarje! Thanks for the comments!
Love them both! And I believe they are both on my wishlist!
ReplyDeleteI had Dorothy first and I loved the color (and I still do) but then I got Alice and now that is my #1 favorite blue!! :D
ReplyDeleteEat.Sleep.Polish.,they were both on my WL too, now DW remains. :) Btw, I love your nickname, hehe.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, I can completely understand that. :D
Thank you for the comments!