Wednesday 5 January 2011

Comparison: Nubar Torrid Red vs. O.P.I. Sanguine (a.k.a. Royal Rajah Ruby)

Evening everybody! How are you doing? I'm *so* tired. I had my lessons untill six p.m. or something like that. That's why I'm posting this later than usual, before I did everything I had to at home, and got to the computer ... but anyway, it's freezing in Ljubljana, I hope you're somewhere warm! I did a quick comparison between Torrid Red and Sanguine because Sanguine is the polish Torrid Red reminded me of. Lets get to the pictures. :)

 Both of them being really dark and OPI really tiny I needed crapload of light to get the colours out of the bottles!

A very bright one, to see the difference in red more clearly. 

Definitively not dupes, not even close. :) Sure, they're both red, and ok, both dark red, but this is where it ends, I'd say. They are both beautiful in their own way, but Nubar is much easier to deal with. Perhaps also because OPI is a mini and the brush is very slim. I don't know. I don't usually have problems with OPI minis, but Nubar spoils me greatly. ;) 

These were both two coats, I think. Maybe Nubar was three, because I added an extra coat to hide the tip-wear. I think they're both quite gorgeous, but Nubar still wins in this department. It's beyond perfect.

Any other suggestions on comparison? Which one do you prefer?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Še ena super primerjava =).

    Če bi se odločala po barvi s stekleničk, bi defenitivno izbrala OPI-ja, ampak ko pa sta oba na nohtih, je pa za mene nubar zmagovalec=)

  2. I love the Nubar one. It looks very classy on you!

  3. Ne vem, katerega bi izbrala za lepšega. Meni sta všeč oba.

  4. Torrid Red looks better here.
    I'm wearing ChG Short and Sassy now and it looks like Sanguine is darker version of it :))

  5. I like the nubar!!
    that one is so classy en gorgeous!!

  6. I guess I would prefere the OPI one because it's a bit darker! but these look both really cool!

  7. Hehe, I see most of you prefer Nubar. I agree with you folks on both being really awesome colours, aye. :) But I actually love Nubar so much more, I don't think I'd ever choose OPI over it. And that's saying something, since I worshiped Sanguine on my nails!!

    Thank you for the comments! Hvala za komentarje!

  8. dobro si ovo napravila :-)
    ja ipak navijam za tamniji, znači sanguine :-)
    a nemam nijedan opi još :-(
