Saturday, 22 January 2011

Depend 204

Hey darlings! How are you doing? I'm drinking coffee in hope it wakes me up a bit and thinking about another post I will write as soon as I find the time. Nothing big, just to clear up some stuff about blog. :) And since the feedback on my giveaway is much larger than I thought it would be (tons larger actually!), I already agreed with my BF who is a computer magician, he'll set me a program to randomly pick a winner. :) But all in it's time! Right now I have another Depend for you. This one also belongs to Aelfsciene and I was lucky enough I put it on on a sunny day. Because this one is a stunner on direct sunlight. Not so much in the normal lighting, sadly. Let's check the pictures out.

 Just look at this! GORGEOUS!!!

This is normal, everyday lighting, maybe I should add it's an everyday lighting on a sunny day, as you can see in the background. Most of the blue is out of the picture. :(

I adore this one on the sun. I really do, it's one of those polishes that could convince me to stand on the sun whole day long (although then I must find a suncreme with factor 100 or something). The blue is mesmerizing, it has the glow within effect, aaargh, too beautiful! And it breaks my effing heart this effect isn't visible on everyday light. I want it! It is still a beautiful blackened blue in normal lighting, but the hell with my expectations, when I know there is something more in the colour, I feel I'm missing something. Stupid, I know. Especially because this is an incredibly glossy polish without TC (all pictures are without TC), applies beautifully and needs only two coats to be completely opaque. So basically a really great polish and an amazing colour. 

I think I'll be getting this one. And stand on the sun all day. Don't look weird at me if you see me running around Ljubljana, catching those last sun rays!

What do you think about Depend 204? Oh, btw, I started posting 3 pictures instead of 5, unless there is a comparison with much details or it's a very duochromy/holograpicy polish. What do you think? Better, or should I return to 5? 

Thank you for reading!


  1. Oldično izgleda, a što se tiče slika njih nikad dosta :)

  2. Ajme prekrasan je na suncu, a za slike slazem se s Lalicom nikad dosta :)

  3. Upam si stavit, da je tale zelo blizu, če ne že dupe od China Glaze Little Drummer Boy.

  4. Hehe, dobro, cure, onda možda vratim broj 5. :D

    teycha, šment, ravno danes sem Dependa vrnila, lahko bi naredila primerjavo! Ga bom izprosila nazaj za dva nohtka, me kar firbca. :) Takole po steklenički sodeč bi rekla, da je Little Drummer Boy malce bolj moder, ampak na nohtih se to seveda lahko spremeni. Hvala da si povedala!

    Hvala za komentarje!

  5. stvarno je krasan :-)
    imaš možda 'it blue my mind' od catrice, čine mi se slični, da napraviš usporedbu? samo za mene, pretty please :-D

  6. OOOOOOOOMMMMGGGG, kako je lep! Še posebej na soncu je pravi krasotec!
    Kar se pa slik tiče, je meni sicer vseeno koliko jih je, me pa gotovo nebi motilo tudi če bi iz 5 slik prešla na 20, ker je tako lepe nohte in lake )da se o kvaliteti slik sploh ne pogovarjam)res užitek gledat =)

  7. It's beautiful :)
    Reminds me of e.l.f. Dark Navy :)

  8. nail crazy, nema problema, ali u februaru, pošto sam već vratila Depend. :) Al hoču, imam več izabrane lakove za usporedbu. :)

    colorfulbottle, res je lep ja! Hehe, hvala! :) Mislim, da bom res šla nazaj na pet. :)

    Renate, thank you!

    Abigail, thanks. :) I don't have elf to comparem but I'm preparing a comparison with 4 others. :)

    Thanks for all your comments!
